Friday, August 23, 2019

Pump Characteristics Paper Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Pump Characteristics Paper - Lab Report Example The FM50 is an example of a centrifugal pumping system. The requirements of this pumping mechanism are an area which is clean, and where the fluid being transmitted is of a consistent viscosity. The design of the FM50 centrifugal pump is intended to convert mechanical energy into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is transmitted to an impeller. The impeller transforms the kinetic energy into potential energy. The change in potential energy translates into a change of pressure in the fluid. The change in pressure in the fluid and the energy which is input enable the FM50 to provide work. Heat is a result of work. The transformation of energy results in an increase in internal energy and heat as a resultant effect. The characteristics of the FM50 pumping mechanism will be explored. These characteristics which will be measured are the following: Head height. Power input Efficiency. The first law of thermodynamics and its implications will be reviewed in this laboratory report. Introduc tion There are two types of pumps. One type of pump is a positive displacement pump. Another type is a roto dynamic pump. This research will examine the latter. Pumps and their components compose about 20% of the global energy demand. Pumping systems are responsible for 25% to 50% of the energy consumptions in a number of plant operations. Roto dynamics have two functions. These functions are: Movement of fluid from one place to another. Movement of fluid through a system in a lubricating or refrigerating function. The parts of a pumping system consist of the following components: Pumps. Prime movers. Piping. Valves Controls and assessment equipment. Pressure flow. The pump and the prime mover consume the most energy in a pumping system (Energy Efficiency 2006). The First law of Thermodynamics which was proposed by Sir Isaac Newton mentions that energy can neither be conceived nor destroyed. Energy can only be transformed from one state to another or from one location to an other. Electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy and its heat components. The FM50 pumping system is an example of a centrifugal pumping mechanism. The characteristics of this type of pumping system require that the situations are free of debris (Waukesha Cherry Burrell 2009). The FM50 pumping system is a relatively non complicated machinery item. The machine converts one form of energy into another. The electrical components transform the electrical energy into mechanical energy. In an internal combustion process, electrical energy is converted from chemical energy to mechanical and heat energy. In a steam and gasoline turbine, the mechanical energy of steam pressure converts to kinetic energy as the steam is forced out of a nozzle. A high speed configuration of steam particles from the nozzle of the turbines motor impacts a set of blades and causes the blades to exercise mechanical energy by means of the blade movement. In a pumping system, the pump transforms the en ergy which is derived from a turbine. This energy is transformed from kinetic energy. In the pumping system, the kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy. This potential energy causes the fluid in the pump to gyrate. The gyration of the fluid in the pump represents work. Lit Review The energy is conceived in the roto dynamic pump by rotary movement and its output. The impeller within the pumping mechanism exerts a force on the system. This force causes the energy to transform from mechanical energy which is the impeller exerting a force upon the fluid. The fluid gains kinetic energy in this process. In pumps which are employed for domestic

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