Sunday, August 11, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 51

History - Essay Example This alliance was renewed in subsequent year’s i.e. 1887, 1907 and 1912. On the other hand, the triple Entente comprised of Great Britain, France and Russia, who were opposed to the nations in the triple alliance. France was the first to express its fear of the threats posed by this alliance. Britain also expressed its concern over the developments in the German Navy and in 1904 the two nations entered the entente Cordiale or simply put a friendly understanding. The main objective of this alliance was to promote co-operation against an apparent threat by Germany. Three years following the formation of this alliance Russia fearing the growth of Germany army Joined France and Britain to establish the Triple Entente. As opposed to the triple alliance, triple entente did not provide that each nation goes to war on behalf of the others; however it maintained that all members uphold a ‘moral obligation† to support each other. The First World War which began in the month of August 1914 had both direct and indirect causes. The direct cause was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria, together with his wife at Sarajevo on 28th June 1914. This event that was linked to Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian revolutionary, only served as a trigger that set off declarations of the war. However, there are other Arguable causes that include: The existence of alliances that had been signed by concerned nations between 1879 and 1914. These alliances carried a significant implication on the later developments since some countries had no otherwise but to declare war in case any of the members ally declared war first. Such is the case that alliances reflected agreement between two or more nations to support each other whenever a need arises. Imperialism was the other cause and was evidenced by the concerned countries taking over new lands and making them subject to their control. Here, the rival nations

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