Tuesday, October 22, 2019

College Students Still Getting Waisted essays

College Students Still Getting Waisted essays College Students Still Getting Wasted College students everywhere like to forget their studies every weekend and go out Amy with their friends. You would be surprised by how many of them are coming back early hours of the morning after consuming large quantities of alcohol. This is what they do for fun, but they dont know the harmful side effects that alcohol has. Some students use alcohol to signify that they are becoming adults, some use it to cope with stress brought on by teachers, peers, and family, and some use it just to simply have fun. No matter why it is being used it is still alcohol abuse. I am arguing that alcohol abuse should not be happening. I know that no matter where I am I will be around it but I would just like to make others aware of the harmful consequences that come from abusing alcohol. Hopefully after reading this a binge drinker and an alcoholic can be easily detected, prevented or helped. A binge drinker is someone who drinks five or more drinks in one sitting period, in other words this is the person standing next to the keg or refrigerator at parties, so he can have easy access to the alcohol when he finishes his drink. Most binge drinkers consider themselves to be light or moderate drinkers, though they notice they are usually drinking more than others. Members of fraternities and sororities report the most common cases of binge drinking among college students. High school students who are binge drinkers are more likely to apply to schools that have a reputation of being a party school as opposed to a school with the best educational background. Underage college students report that alcohol is easy to maintain and that they only drink for one reason, to get drunk. Even teachers can detect a binge drinker because they are the kids who are always missing class and when they do go they are late or unprepared. Binge Drinking in Adolescents and College Students www.he alth.org/govpubs/rpo995) ...

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