Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Critical Evaluation of How Muslims Living in Britain Can be Both Essay
A Critical Evaluation of How Muslims Living in Britain Can be Both British and Muslim - Essay Example Issues of identity in Britain have largely centred on the concept of ‘otherness’. Muslims were considered ‘aliens’ in the 1950s and 1960s. The term ‘alien’ means otherness, and also means difference, threat, and inequality (Ahmad and Sardar, 2012: 2). Towards the latter part of the 20th century, cultural difference became very popular and otherness became the latest thing. Difference is no longer intimidating; and otherness today is valued for its commercial aspect, the exoticism and delight it could provide. Still, identity has been one of the most important concerns for Muslims living in Britain. Contrary to earlier thoughts on identity, which view it in quite permanent terms, the present belief is changeable and continuously influenced by the evolving environment. This essay critically evaluates how Muslims living in Britain can be both British and Muslim. This essay analyses the historical events, social and political aspects, and cultural f actors that contributed to the creation of a distinctive Muslim identity. The different features of identity class, ethnicity and religion are believed to be subjected to historical dynamics, and it is viewed as being continuously reinterpreted and recreated according to external and internal factors. The diverse and worldly characteristic of British society is believed to create various opposing identities. A large number of Muslims living in Britain have had to harmonise their religious and ethnic features at the individual and societal levels. All have been made difficult by drastic cultural and social transformation in the latter part of the 20th century, forcing them to adjust and compromise (Norcliffe, 2004). As the impact of the cultural and societal norms from which they came from on behaviour and beliefs has disappeared with the appearance of a bigger population of Muslims born and educated in Britain, they have become more and more integrated into the British society. Bein g British and Muslim A national narrative that includes Islamic history would allow Muslims, especially younger generations of Britain-born Muslims, to understand how much of their own traditions are an important aspect of British traditions. This would help present and future generations gain a strong identity as British Muslims. However, there is a much larger benefit to be gained from Britain’s acceptance of its Islamic influences and the acceptance by British Muslims that British traditions are an important aspect of Islamic culture. Diasporas have historically influenced Islamic societies. Even the Prophet Muhammad moved from his homeland; and the community he formed in Medina were shaped by a diaspora (Ahmed, 2012). The historical Islamic culture was formed not by Arabs but by groups from Africa, the India, and central Asia. The Abbasid caliphate, widely viewed as the high point of Islamic learning and wisdom, was the product of a diaspora. The autonomous Muslim states that were built in the 20th century, like Malaysia and Pakistan, were usually formed in Britain by a diaspora (Gould, 2011). British Muslims can take advantage of this history to change Islam, as well as Muslim societies across the globe. The British Muslim scholars consider Britain as a perfect site of change. The study of Waqar Ahmad shows that British Muslim scholars have a dream of a democratic and diverse Islam. There are major internal changes that reveal â€Å"the fruition of a tangible Muslim consciousness among Muslim communities†(Ahmad and Sardar, 2012: 8). Muslims adapt to socially created and faith-oriented identities, and carefully choose how they define themselves. They made use of British history to defend their status like on Islamic schools, they formed their public
Monday, October 28, 2019
Themes of Liturgy Essay Example for Free
Themes of Liturgy Essay A public duty given in the service of God in Churches is commonly described in Bible as Liturgy. It originated from the Greek word Leitourgia-Leitos where Leos means people and ergo means to perform and the person who performs Liturgy is known as leitourgos. The Christian Liturgy is divided into two sections, the first section is service of the Word, and second is the service of Lord’s Supper. But these two liturgies in real term are same service. Liturgy is a paramount duty of the Church and baptized children of God, â€Å"Devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the community, to the breaking of the bread, and to prayer. †(Acts 2:42) In early days, Churches had made practice of performing the prayers at fixed hours. Then it became a practice to perform prayer at specific time and as the time passed, other hours were fixed for performing common prayers in the service of God and often disciples gathered together at the third hour. The Prince of the Apostles â€Å"went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour†(10:9); â€Å"Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour†(3:1); â€Å"about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God†(16:25). Gradually these prayers began to be performed in a set cycle of hours. This began to be known as Liturgy- a prayer towards Christ and seeking petition from Christ. The basic meaning of theology of Liturgy is that every action of God is revealed through Christ and it is not possible for a man to make his way to God because it is God that makes the way towards us. Thus any action of man that does not lead towards God is not an action at all. Basic essence of Liturgy lies in the fact that through Liturgy, you are united with God. The God himself speaks to us through signs, and even takes the form of body, enters the soul, flesh and blood with only one purpose and that is too unite us with him. Your salvation is with your connection to God and Christian liturgy does this only. Your whole life is spent in search of God and if you join the Liturgy, you have entered doors of the creator itself. Liturgy makes us realize that human soul, the over soul and the super soul are integral to each other. Since the over soul is pure most, the human soul also retains its inherent purity. It can steer us clear of all the difficulties, uncertainties, shams, and imperfections of the worldly life in the same way as the pure-most â€Å"Whole†- The Almighty can. Man is therefore an equal status and importance to God.  According to The Second Vatican Council â€Å"Liturgy is through which the work of our redemption is accomplished, most of all in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, is the outstanding means whereby the faithful may express in their lives, and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church.†1 Eucharist is a pinnacle of the Christian life. They believe that if bread and wine are brought to the altar, the holy spirit with its power will transfer it into the true body and blood of Christ. Lot of research has been undertaken regarding various aspects of Liturgical practices since centuries and their repercussions and effects. The New Testament reveals the fact that the Liturgical practices have seen number of changes, but according to Bradshaw many New Testament books have provided the allusionary account of practices Christians have been adopting in their Liturgical prayers rather than an accurate account. What ever has been interpreted from the New Testament is that Liturgical practices happening in later centuries had its roots in the first century. But there has been no concrete proof regarding the same and they are mere allusions. Further he said that it could be possible that some practices might have been followed from ancient times but there is enough scholarly proof to suggest that these assumptions are impractical and even to make such speculations is highly risky. Abundant illustrations could be offered of such an apprach, but Massey - Pope Paul VI, â€Å"Sacrosanctum Concilium†, 4 December1963, (19 January 2008). Shephard theory, that explains about the link between the Book of Revelation and the Paschal Liturgy can be a good example to present link between the present practices and the past.1 Some reveal that many of the imageries of heavenly worship found in the Book of Revelation are a clear sign of Liturgical practices. For eg. Oscar Cullman could have said, â€Å"the whole Book of Revelation from the Greeting of the Grace and Peace in Chapter 1.4 to the closing prayer: Come Lord Jesus, In Chapter 22.20, and the benediction in the last verse, is full of allusions to the Liturgical usages of the earlier community.†2 Besides many of other scholars have also questioned about the assumptions of the existence of parallels between heavenly and earthly worship and it has been presumed that the early Christians did not use any order in the ceremony. Inspite of several controversies and debates regarding the actual Liturgical practices, hymns and prayers have been solmenly considered as legitimate and proved versions reflecting the liturgical materials been in use in those times.3 Many research studies have pointed out the connection between the Liturgical practices to the earlier Judaism and the first one to suggest this relation was Dutch protestent theologian, Campegius Vitringa (1659-1722). It had also been stated that Gospels were used as public reading in Chruches and therefore they would have been influenced to some extent by the Jewish Lectionary. Thus attempts were being made to show that the lactionary material was behind the worship process and the first one to follow this theory was RG. Finch in 1939 who found that Jesus teaching did not just found in synagogue but affected that what was found there. And even G.D. Kilpatrick mentioned that Mathew was also used for public reading during worhsip but he did not think that there was any lectionary process. 4 Paul F. Bradshaw, The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Method for the Study of Early Liturgy (US: Oxford University Press, 2002), 50. Bradshaw, 57. Bradshaw, 59. Bradshaw, 48. The early Christians were all following the Jewish form of worship-which was also considered to be the worship practices of Jesus Christ and was in sense liturgical. The New Testament is a proven record of this fact that even though earlier Christians had added some new components like Eucharist or in other words Communion, which Christ himself had bestowed on his followers during last Supper, their basic worshiping practice was of Jews. But during the ceremonies of the early Church, Eucharist was being celebrated as different services since last many years. The continuous worship procedure that had taken place from Temple to Synagogue and then its finally entry into the early Christian Church was the reason for the start of the Christian Liturgical order since the end of the first century, sixty years after Christ’s resurrection. Paul F. Bradshaw is a professor of Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the University’s London Center. In his book, he evaluated the various difficulties being posed by various researchers while interpreting the earlier documents on Liturgy and made critical reevaluation of the various theories of the origination of Christian worship. He brought before us the notion that primitive form of Christian worship was considered to be diverse in nature. They were pluriform and this pluriformity was not just seen in the theological part of worship in different traditions, but in very basic methods of rites and rituals and despite of the fact that churches have been trying to maintain uniformity in the rites and rituals over the centuries, the churches began to adopt the liturgical way of worshiping. On one hand, there has been adequate evidence to point out that even though liturgical practices of one group might have created influence on the other but there had been variations in their rites and rituals. Bradshaw even stated that there is lack of evidence in the New Testament about the First Century Christian Worship. As there is a tendency among the scholars to gather the bits of information from whereever they are available and join them to give a unique and single piece of information and give a historical verdict to it. For example, scholars might have combined references of liturgical activities that might had been performed by our ancestors, from the act of Apostotle or from the Pauline letters and joined with certain illusory signs termed as means of worship from the Johannine literature or from Synoptic Gospels and presented before us the ways of worship by the first Christians.1 Bradshaw emphasised that there never had been any concrete evidence to prove the validity of how first Christians worshiped or what were their ways. But this is a fact that the present Liturgy has at some point or the other roots in our past. It is true that Jesus himself told the woman at the well, â€Å"the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him†(John 4:23). Liturgy reflects the true spirit of worship in what way it is performed. Catholic liturgy makes use of signs and symbols whose significance lies in the fact that they reveal the sign of Christ. These signs and symbols come from the world of creation- light, water, fire, bread, wine, oil, others from life in society -washing, anointing, breaking bread and others from Old Testament sacred history -the Passover rite, sacrifices, laying on of hands, consecrating persons and objects. These signs speak volume of the intensity of the life that Christ has given to us, but these signs are accompanied by spoken words, which together create the serene effect and reflect the significance of this ritual. - Bradshaw, 59.     Bibliography Bradshaw, Paul F. The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Method for the Study of Early Liturgy. US: Oxford University Press, 2002. Dix, Gregory. The Shape of the Liturgy. London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005. Pope Paul VI. â€Å"Sacrosanctum Concilium†. 4 December1963. (19 January 2008).
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Life of Hannah More and The Sorrows of Yamba :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Life of Hannah More and The Sorrows of Yamba      Hannah More has been called "one of the most prolific and influential authors of her day in England" (Ford ix). This proves to be true upon analyzing her life and accomplishments in the nineteenth century. Hannah More was born in 1745 in Stapleton, Bristol, England (Hopkins xiii). Mary Gladys Jones comments on More's life and gives the description of this literary figure as "a Tory who championed the radical causes of anti-slavery and the education of the poor, a Churchwoman who attended a Dissenting Meeting House [only once] and employed Methodist teachers" (Ford ix-x). The two main political issues that More would write about during the course of her life were anti-slavery issues and the promotion of the education of the poor and women. More herself was educated along with her sisters by her father (Damrosch 100). More and her sisters would later found a successful school which threatened many of her contemporaries. "Local authorities felt threatened b y the sisters' assumption of power and were assuaged only by the Mores' manipulation of traditional feminine roles" (Ford xiii). In the curriculum in More's school, she made a conscious effort to "maintain sexual difference and inequality while upgrading or 'masculinizing' the education of women" (xiii).  As a woman, Hannah More was an unusual figure in nineteenth-century England. She was unmarried and very publicly voiced her opinion. After a failed engagement, More sought financial independence (Damrosch 100). More began publishing her works to the general population. Her works were sold cheap, and preachers, missionaries, or landlords handed them out (Damrosch 189). Since More "celebrated the godly, self-disciplined layperson who looked out for the common good" she sold her works very inexpensively (Ford 1). "At a half-penny to one and one-half penny per installment," More's writings became popular amongst the poor in society (128). More had strong political beliefs that explain much of her writing and methods. She had a "long-held belief that aristocratic virtue, whether civic or personal, dictated general morality which, in turn, ensured the soundness of the commonwealth" (xii). Her moral beliefs are directly effected from her religious beliefs. More fought for anti-s lavery laws in hopes that "the abolition of the African slave trade and the observance of Sabbatarian laws, among other measures, would preempt similar divine retribution against the British ruling classes" (84).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Camp Wahanowin Swot
Internal Analysis: Strengths: †¢Facilities: High end facilities which accommodate up to 450 campers at one time, located on a 150 acre plot of land with water access not too far from many of the clienteles homes while remaining in a secluded area. †¢Partnerships: Keeping a close relationship with their â€Å"sister camp,†Green Acres Day Camp allows them to offer accommodations to day campers and spread their name to the day campers segment at the same time. Their partnership with the Toronto District School Board and their music program, Music by the Lake, brings revenue and word-of-mouth advertising to the camp. Management: Wahanowin has a strong management team coming from a variety of backgrounds, the university credentials of the team along with the range of skills and work experience are a big strength for the camps team. †¢Customers: Wahanowin has customers that not only come from within the GTA area, but also internationally from USA, Mexico, Israel, Fra nce, and England, providing a large clientele basis for the camp. Weaknesses: †¢Competitors: There is many other residential summer camps within a two hour drive from Wahanowin that offer different adventures luring customers away.There are also day camps which are less expensive but also offer some of the same activities and experiences which are increasing in popularity. Not to mention that there is a larger opportunity for children to travel in the summer now instead of going to camp. †¢Finance: Most of Wahanowin’s financing has come from the retained earnings of the company which are produced from the previous year’s profits. Not having any outside investors could be seen as a weakness to Wahanowins financial future. External Analysis: Opportunities: Natural: The summers are naturally getting longer and longer in North America as time goes by which provides more time for residential camping. Camp Wahanowin can capitalize on this opportunity by extending t heir summer camp season and bringing in more revenue for a longer period of time. †¢Technological: As society become more dependable on technology and the internet it becomes a more useful marketing tactic. Since today’s generation of children have grown up with technology and spend copious amounts of time on social media and other web pages, this would be an excellent opportunity to market to the children. Threats: Economically: The market for camps in Southern Ontario is actually quite saturated which makes it difficult for Wahanowin to capture the market share that they desire. Furthermore the recession of 2008 also pushed some of the higher income families out of the higher tax bracket which shrunk the potential market for these camps. †¢Social: Some social factors such as the increasing desire to travel over the summer have affected the market for residential summer camps. Other social factors such as the increasing amount of â€Å"helicopter†parents wh ich over-protect their children and forbid them from taking part in these experiences. Cultural: As the GTA (Wahanowin’s main client pool) is becoming more multi-cultural the cultures could begin to group together and form camps specific to each culture or religion (such as Jewish camps), leaving open camps such as Wahanowin on the backburner. http://wahanowin. com/facilities http://wahanowin. com/chronology http://wahanowin. com/staff http://www. livescience. com/7124-study-summer-longer. html http://www. ourkids. net/overnight-camps-s-ontario. php http://www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1940697,00. html
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Conditions on Each Planet
Mercury : Due to mercury being extremely close to the sun, causes its planet to have no atmosphere. If any air was ever around Mercury, it would have been within its early years and from that point to now, it is gone because of all of the heat being given off of the sun. Mercury has crazy weather issues because of the lack of atmosphere, which includes a drastic weather change within day to night. Whenever the sun touches the surface of Mercury, that is when the climate reaches its highess at 801 degrees Fahrenheit in the day time. Because of the lack of atmosphere in mercury, the Mercurial sky is black and the stars can be seen in broad daylight. The night time becomes a different situation, at this point it leaves it at a chilling climate where it is -300 degree Fahrenheit. Venus : Venus contains a wonderful thick atmosphere which is made up of 97% carbon dioxide. Venus's pressure at the surface is 92 times stronger than on Earth. Its temperature goes to an extreme result of 900 degrees Fahrenheit, which mkes it the hottest planet of all. Its atmosphere is this way because of a strong volcanic activity during the past. Venus deals with sulfuric acid rain falls that come from its swirling clouds but is gone before even reaching the ground. Earth: Earth has the most dynamic weather in the solar system compared to the rest. The atmosphere has changed a lot compared to the Earth's early atmosphere, but for the last billion years, it has remained pretty constant. There are 3 very different atmospheric problems that is needed to be kept close attention to. The three atmospheric problem are the greenhouse effect, damage to the ozone layer, and acid rain. The earth is surrounded by a blanket of gases, this blanket traps energy in the atmosphere, much the same way as glass traps heat inside a greenhouse. This results in an build up of energy, and the overall warming of the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is a natural process which made life on Earth possible. Ozone is oxygen that contains molecules that have 3 oxygen atoms. There is a layer of ozone high p in the atmosphere which shields the Earth from the sun's harmful UV rays, these rays can lead to an increase in skin cancer. The ozone is present in very small quantities but it is enough to absorb the UV rays preventing them reaching the surface. Concentrations of ozone appeared to be dropping in certain areas of the world (the layer was starting to thin-out). The cause of this reduction was thought to be man-made. Rain water is naturally acidic due to carbon dioxide which partially reacts with water to give carbonic acid. Acid rain is caused by other gases released when fossil fuels are burnt. Mars: Mars's atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide, Venus's atmosphere is much more than Mars. The temperatures on Mars ranges from 80 degrees to -200 degrees Fahrenheit. Mars experiences seasons too. There is dust storms that are frequently occurring. Mars's atmosphere, has fog and frost forming on the Red Planet because of the water vapor. Jupiter: Jupiter's atmosphere has clouds which are striped with dark belts and light zones. High winds and lightning are a regular feature on Jupiter. Other small eddies and whorls form and dissipate in the cloud layers. The temperature on Jupiter is approximately -234 degrees Fahrenheit only. Saturn: Like the other gas giant planets, Saturn's atmosphere is mainly hydrogen and helium. Saturn is a windy planet, with 1,000 mile an hour, winds do a good job of mixing the atmosphere and making it appear homogeneous through Earth based telescopes. Saturn's tilt creates seasons and uneven temperatures on the planet. The top of the clouds have an average temperature of -285 degrees Fahrenheit, with warmer temperatures deeper in. A churning hexagonal cloud formation has been spotted near the North Pole and has persisted for a few decades now. Uranus: Uranus is unlike the other planets in that it is tipped on its side, and, in essence, rolls along in its orbit. At -350 degrees Fahrenheit, its atmospheric conditions stay the same for many years at a time (its year is 84 Earth years), until it experiences seasonal changes, sparking storms in its atmosphere. Neptune: Neptune is the record holder for the windiest place in the solar system. At about 1,250 miles per hour, the winds of Neptune makes it a stormy place, evidences by a Great Dark Spot that is a giant hurricane-like storm, similar to the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. The methane gas in the atmosphere is what makes the planet appear blue. White storms clouds that zip across the planet are common. Neptune's temperature averages -373 degrees Fahrenheit. Pluto: Pluto holds the place as the farest object in the solar system feom the sun. Pluto's distance from the sun gives it a large range of temperature on its surface, its stated as the coldest by Earth's standards. It is so cold on Pluto that a regular theromater can not state its coldness, scientist have to use a Kelvin scale. Using Kelvin scale, Pluto's temperture is at 44 K which is approximately -239 degrees. Its maximum reaches at 55 K ( -218 F ) and a minimum of 33 K ( -240 F ). Pluto maybe the coldest planent but surprisely, it has a warmer atmosphere than the surface of the dwarf planet. Its warm atmosphere is from the presence of unexceptly large amounts of methane.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
College Students Still Getting Waisted essays
College Students Still Getting Waisted essays College Students Still Getting Wasted College students everywhere like to forget their studies every weekend and go out Amy with their friends. You would be surprised by how many of them are coming back early hours of the morning after consuming large quantities of alcohol. This is what they do for fun, but they dont know the harmful side effects that alcohol has. Some students use alcohol to signify that they are becoming adults, some use it to cope with stress brought on by teachers, peers, and family, and some use it just to simply have fun. No matter why it is being used it is still alcohol abuse. I am arguing that alcohol abuse should not be happening. I know that no matter where I am I will be around it but I would just like to make others aware of the harmful consequences that come from abusing alcohol. Hopefully after reading this a binge drinker and an alcoholic can be easily detected, prevented or helped. A binge drinker is someone who drinks five or more drinks in one sitting period, in other words this is the person standing next to the keg or refrigerator at parties, so he can have easy access to the alcohol when he finishes his drink. Most binge drinkers consider themselves to be light or moderate drinkers, though they notice they are usually drinking more than others. Members of fraternities and sororities report the most common cases of binge drinking among college students. High school students who are binge drinkers are more likely to apply to schools that have a reputation of being a party school as opposed to a school with the best educational background. Underage college students report that alcohol is easy to maintain and that they only drink for one reason, to get drunk. Even teachers can detect a binge drinker because they are the kids who are always missing class and when they do go they are late or unprepared. Binge Drinking in Adolescents and College Students www.he ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Anesthesiology
Do you know what an anesthesiologist is? My entire life I wanted to enter the medical field. The specific field is anesthesiology. An anesthesiologist is an important physician specialist. As a vital member of the surgical team, the crucial care of the patient during anesthesia is his responsibility. Anesthesiology requires a considerable amount of schooling. Advancements are always being made in the growing field, and I would enjoy the pressure of a high-risk field of work. Believe it or not, school is fun for me, as long as it is something enjoyable. To become an anesthesiologist requires a degree as a medical doctor who administers anesthesia. One must first go to a four-year college as a pre- med student, then attend medical school, and the required intern and externships. This process usually takes four to five years. As the final stage of training, two or three years of residency training in an anesthesiological hospital program is required. All together, approximately 12 years of schooling and training is needed before you can acquire a job. This would be something that I would always enjoy and it would be well worth all the hard work and time. After completing all the rigorous schoolwork and training, I would be able to go out into the world and look for a job. Anesthesiology is a field that is growing and needs more specialized doctors. Advancements are always being made. New techniques and different types of drugs are constantly being discovered. Having an undemanding job where you will not learn anything more than you did in your training would be extremely boring. I always want to be learning new aspects of the field or teaching others about them. Anesthesiology would fit my job expectations perfectly. Since anesthesiology is a demanding career, there must be a reason why everyone is not entering the field. The fact that it is a high-risk job with a lot of dangers and requires your constant attention whil... Free Essays on Anesthesiology Free Essays on Anesthesiology Do you know what an anesthesiologist is? My entire life I wanted to enter the medical field. The specific field is anesthesiology. An anesthesiologist is an important physician specialist. As a vital member of the surgical team, the crucial care of the patient during anesthesia is his responsibility. Anesthesiology requires a considerable amount of schooling. Advancements are always being made in the growing field, and I would enjoy the pressure of a high-risk field of work. Believe it or not, school is fun for me, as long as it is something enjoyable. To become an anesthesiologist requires a degree as a medical doctor who administers anesthesia. One must first go to a four-year college as a pre- med student, then attend medical school, and the required intern and externships. This process usually takes four to five years. As the final stage of training, two or three years of residency training in an anesthesiological hospital program is required. All together, approximately 12 years of schooling and training is needed before you can acquire a job. This would be something that I would always enjoy and it would be well worth all the hard work and time. After completing all the rigorous schoolwork and training, I would be able to go out into the world and look for a job. Anesthesiology is a field that is growing and needs more specialized doctors. Advancements are always being made. New techniques and different types of drugs are constantly being discovered. Having an undemanding job where you will not learn anything more than you did in your training would be extremely boring. I always want to be learning new aspects of the field or teaching others about them. Anesthesiology would fit my job expectations perfectly. Since anesthesiology is a demanding career, there must be a reason why everyone is not entering the field. The fact that it is a high-risk job with a lot of dangers and requires your constant attention whil...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Help Students Take Notes
How to Help Students Take Notes Students often find taking notes in class a difficult proposition. Typically, they dont know what they should and should not include. Some tend to try and write everything you say without really hearing and integrating it. Others take very sparse notes, giving them little context for when they refer back to them later. Some students focus on irrelevant items in your notes, missing the key points entirely. Therefore, it is important that we as teachers help our students learn the best practices for taking effective notes. Following are some ideas that you can use to help students become more comfortable and better at note taking in the classroom setting. Scaffold Your Notes This simply means that you are giving your students clues to the key items you will be covering when you lecture to the students. At the beginning of the year, you should provide the students with a fairly detailed scaffold or outline. They can then take notes on this scaffold as you talk. As the year progresses, you can use less and less detail until you simply list out the key topics and subtopics you will be covering. However, it is important to note that you should give students a chance to read through the scaffold before you actually begin your lecture. Always Use the Same Key Words As you are lecturing, highlight key topics and ideas in some way. At the beginning of the year, you should be very clear when you are covering a key point that the students should be sure to remember. As the year goes on, you can make your hints more subtle. Though, remember, the goal of teaching is not to trip up your students. Ask Questions Throughout Asking questions throughout your lecture serves a few purposes. It keeps students on their toes, it checks comprehension, and it highlights key points you want them to remember. However, with that said it is important that your questions do cover key points. Introduce Each Topic Before Presenting Details Some teachers lecture by providing students with a lot of facts and expecting them to connect them to the overall topic. However, this can be very confusing. Instead, you should introduce the topic and fill in details always showing how it relates to the topic. Review Each Topic Before Moving On As you wrap up each key topic or subtopic, you should refer back to it again and restate one or two key sentences the students should remember. Teach Students to Use a Two-Column System In this system, students take their notes in the left column. Later, they add information in the right column from their textbooks and other readings. Collect Notes and Check Them Take a look at what students are doing and give them feedback to help them improve. You can do this right away or after they go home and finish out their notes from the textbook. Despite the evidence which shows that students need help taking notes, many teachers do not see the need to help them by scaffolding and using the other ideas listed here. This is very sad, for listening, taking effective notes, and then referring to these notes when studying helps reinforce learning for our students. Note taking is a learned skill, therefore, it is important that we take the lead in helping students become effective note takers.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Power of the President Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Power of the President - Assignment Example It changed the way people interacted with their leader and continues to do so to this day. 2. Following the devastation of the Second World War, much of the global economy lay in total ruin. Old orders, ways of thinking, and systems had vanished into rubble and smoke. Many people lived lives of total despair. However, there were a number of brave men and women who decided to look at this crisis as an opportunity and to fashion something new out of the mess. The most important change to make involved the world economic system. And so the Bretton Woods regime was founded on July 1944, in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, by the delegations of the 44 Allied nations with the intent of creating a new financial and economic order, due to the shift of power occurred as a result of the Second World War. The Bretton Woods regime was a result of the events which affected the world economy and political system, starting from the great Depression to the rise of Nationalist dictatorships and finally the Second World War; its declared objective was to ensure prosperity to al l nations, so conflict would never occur again. This foreign policy achievement gave the President of the United States a great deal of power over the world
Job related concerns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Job related concerns - Essay Example The top three causes of stress as indicated by police officers includes the murdering or injuring of people who are innocent, the injury or death of a fellow member of the police force and the third rank has been allotted to the death of a fellow police officer at the hands of citizens. Police officers experiences five stages while coping with different stressful incidents. In the first stage they deny or are not ready to accept that the incident has occurred, in the second stage the police officers end up experiencing anger as a result of their acceptance that the stressful incidence has really occurred and in the third stage they start bargaining and they end up giving up certain elements of job and may take up certain elements of job. Furthermore, they may even experience the mental state of being depressed and they may fail to sleep or eat properly. In the last stage, the police officer accepts the occurrence of the event with full acknowledgement and is ready to face the stressful event in order to counter it. The term deviant behavior is used to refer to those behaviors that are considered as anti-social in nature. In the case of police work, those police activities are considered as deviant that are against the rules, regulations as well as norms that have been created by the higher authorities and these norms are concerned with the micro as well as the macro level of policing. There are various behaviors that can be referred to as deviant in the context of police work. These behaviors include the act of corrupt practices, workplace deviance, crimes committed by police officers and inappropriate use of authority that is vested within the position of police officers. Researchers have even identified other forms of deviant behaviors such as taking bribes, stealing property and valuables from the crime scene, covering up for activities that are illegal in nature and sexual
Friday, October 18, 2019
Gender&Global cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Gender&Global cinema - Essay Example Identifying the concepts of marginalization and gender definitions in global film shows how the boundaries of gender are defined in various regions of society. Two films which portray this theme are A Question of Silence by Marleen Gorris and The Housemaid by Im Sang – Soo. The discourse of feminist theory in A Question of Silence is one which shows several areas of boundaries and marginalization, as well as a question of gender identity. The portrayal of the three women are first depicted, all which take on a traditional identity in terms of gender. However, this is broken when they move from shoplifting different items to beating the male shopkeeper to death. This specific action sets the gender identity into motion, specifically because the action is one which is not expected in relation to the female gender identity. The shock which this leaves is one which creates a suspicion that the women are insane and that the actions which were warranted were because of mental instability. After finding that this is not true, there becomes a question of what the intent was of beating the male shopkeeper, specifically because of the associated anger that was taken with the actions (Gorris, 1). The feminist discourse which is associated with this film is based on the silence of the women as well as the stereotypes and immediate associations with gender identity which is portrayed. The silent association with the fight is one which is displayed through the actions which the women take as well as the shift in actions. The narrative is one which depicts silence after the action which is taken; however, the women are all known to fight the male domination in society through the action of beating the male shopkeeper to death. The metaphor of violence, as well as the following assumptions, all show the concept of feminist identity and the marginalization which the women are placed into. The violence becomes a way to speak about the male domination in society as
A Reflective Analysis on the Assessment and Management for ankle Essay
A Reflective Analysis on the Assessment and Management for ankle injury - Essay Example The placement experience obtained through patient assessments and management resulted into a better nursing intervention based on the pre-existing nursing knowledge for the future improvements. According to National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2004), reviews ankle joint injuries management in healthcare facility as a nursing responsibility aimed restoring the physiological function of the a ankle joint after an accident or injury has occurred. For the future practice, the nurses should reflect on the clinical experiences, concepts and understandings during the ankle injury assessment and management an adaptive response of care. Therefore, for this reflective analysis, the GIBBS model of reflection is used serving as a turning point in of ankle injury and related risks conditions assessment and management reflective analysis. GIBBS model of reflective analysis is a model of choice since it links the trainee nurses to their nursing practice, supervisors and their patients providing a systematic reflective of all the procedures and processes that were conducted in my nursing practice. For confidentiality and privacy of my nursing training experience, the name of the client, health facility, and the location has been made anonymous based on the reflective analysis for nurses’ survival in the word (Richards & Edwards, 2012). Ankle sprains are the most common sporting and UCC injuries anatomically and physiologically occurring as the tearing of bone-bone ligaments connection that stabilizes the ankle joint. My mentor reminded me that, the ankle injury causes destabilization of the hinge joint formed by fi bula, tibia and the talus bones resulting in structural disarrangement, fractures and deformity of the bones and ligaments around the ankle joint. Through the department orientation I learned that, the risks factors for the ankle joint injuries in United Kingdom are
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Causes and Consequences of a Currency Crisis Essay
The Causes and Consequences of a Currency Crisis - Essay Example This creates inflation and a current account deficit, which may lead investors to doubt the exchange rate peg. Speculators eventually mount an attack--that is, they demand foreign reserves in exchange for the domestic currency. To defend the peg, the monetary authorities sell off foreign exchange reserves. When the reserves fall to a certain point, the government is faced with a choice: should it break its external promise (to keep the exchange rate fixed) or keep its internal political constituents happy (by not raising taxes or cutting spending) Governments usually choose internal objectives over external constraints; that is, there is a currency crisis. A model like this works well in helping to understand the breakdown of inflationary economies, like Russia in 1998. But such models don't help understand recent crises in Asia. Most Asian countries had admirable monetary and fiscal policies that were viewed as being sustainable. The second model views currency crises as shifts between different monetary policy equilibria; here speculative attacks can be self-fulfilling even against countries with sound policies. In these models, market speculators initiate attacks based on their beliefs about the willingness of policymakers to resist pressure on the exchange rate. When markets perceive that conditions, such as high unemployment or a weak banking system, compromise the central bank's willingness to defend the currency peg by raising interest rates, speculative attacks are more likely to succeed. When a country faces a currency crisis, other countries are affected mainly because of international trade. Thailand faced a financial crisis which led to Malaysia and Indonesia's currency situation as these countries were Thailand's main trade competitors. Hence, trade is regional so currency crises are regional. Recessions are associated with currency crises and Last Name 3 lead to a fall in imports. Trade flows are disrupted as one country's imports fall causes another country's exports to decrease. Once trade flows are disrupted, major issues occur as free trade is a wonderful thing. There are many models that attempt to explain the phenomenon of how a financial crisis is formed. Chang and Velasco (1998) suggest a useful model should consist of the following features, "It must not rely on government misbehavior to generate the crisisIt must be general enough to accommodate a wide variety of macroeconomic circumstancesIt must be specific enough to explain why in some of these macroeconomic scenarios a crisis occurs, and in some it does notIt must account for the high observed correlation between exchange rate collapses and banking crisesIt must replicate the puzzling fact that the punishment is much larger than the crime" The transferring of information in international financial markets can cause most of the information to become trapped. Minute changes in information can cause incredible behaviour by international investors. During a currency crisis, governments tend to expropriate foreign funds in an attempt to raise funds. (Chari and Kehoe, 1997). Their model implies that only governments with weak reputations are subject to volatile capital flows. Thailand faced incredible external (foreign) debts. As its debts increased, creditors wondered if it could meet its obligations. Hence, supply
BUS 101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
BUS 101 - Essay Example When the central bank is "tightening", it slows the process of private bank issue by selling securities on the open market and pulling money (that could be loaned) out of the private banking sector. It reduces or increases the supply of short term government debt, and inversely increases or reduces the supply of lending funds and thereby the ability of private banks to issue new money through debt. The operative notion of easy money is that the central bank creates new bank reserves (in the US known as "federal funds"), which let the banks lend out more money. These loans get spent, and the proceeds get deposited at other banks. Whatever is not required to be held as reserves is then lent out again, and through the magic of the "money multiplier", loans and bank deposits go up by many times the initial injection of reserves. ( Accounts Payable: This is the most important source of short-term financing for many firms. Beware that increased use of Accounts payables (such as by not paying off when you should) can be expensive as most firms offer favorable terms for prompt payment and delaying payments can also upset your suppliers. Commercial Paper-IOUs.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Causes and Consequences of a Currency Crisis Essay
The Causes and Consequences of a Currency Crisis - Essay Example This creates inflation and a current account deficit, which may lead investors to doubt the exchange rate peg. Speculators eventually mount an attack--that is, they demand foreign reserves in exchange for the domestic currency. To defend the peg, the monetary authorities sell off foreign exchange reserves. When the reserves fall to a certain point, the government is faced with a choice: should it break its external promise (to keep the exchange rate fixed) or keep its internal political constituents happy (by not raising taxes or cutting spending) Governments usually choose internal objectives over external constraints; that is, there is a currency crisis. A model like this works well in helping to understand the breakdown of inflationary economies, like Russia in 1998. But such models don't help understand recent crises in Asia. Most Asian countries had admirable monetary and fiscal policies that were viewed as being sustainable. The second model views currency crises as shifts between different monetary policy equilibria; here speculative attacks can be self-fulfilling even against countries with sound policies. In these models, market speculators initiate attacks based on their beliefs about the willingness of policymakers to resist pressure on the exchange rate. When markets perceive that conditions, such as high unemployment or a weak banking system, compromise the central bank's willingness to defend the currency peg by raising interest rates, speculative attacks are more likely to succeed. When a country faces a currency crisis, other countries are affected mainly because of international trade. Thailand faced a financial crisis which led to Malaysia and Indonesia's currency situation as these countries were Thailand's main trade competitors. Hence, trade is regional so currency crises are regional. Recessions are associated with currency crises and Last Name 3 lead to a fall in imports. Trade flows are disrupted as one country's imports fall causes another country's exports to decrease. Once trade flows are disrupted, major issues occur as free trade is a wonderful thing. There are many models that attempt to explain the phenomenon of how a financial crisis is formed. Chang and Velasco (1998) suggest a useful model should consist of the following features, "It must not rely on government misbehavior to generate the crisisIt must be general enough to accommodate a wide variety of macroeconomic circumstancesIt must be specific enough to explain why in some of these macroeconomic scenarios a crisis occurs, and in some it does notIt must account for the high observed correlation between exchange rate collapses and banking crisesIt must replicate the puzzling fact that the punishment is much larger than the crime" The transferring of information in international financial markets can cause most of the information to become trapped. Minute changes in information can cause incredible behaviour by international investors. During a currency crisis, governments tend to expropriate foreign funds in an attempt to raise funds. (Chari and Kehoe, 1997). Their model implies that only governments with weak reputations are subject to volatile capital flows. Thailand faced incredible external (foreign) debts. As its debts increased, creditors wondered if it could meet its obligations. Hence, supply
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Tools For Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tools For Learning - Essay Example In this regard, it is arguable that any form of positive attribute to the students by all stakeholders is indispensable. According to Blakemore & Frith (2007), motivation is considered the most critical aspect of learning that every student is supposed to be subjected to. In weak areas of students, motivation is regarded as the first element of ensuring student’s success. Motivation is believed to influence, stimulate and expedite students’ effort to accomplish results. Educational psychologists argue that motivating students in the early childhood education may require inducement of intrinsic motivation that aims at making learning pleasurable, enjoyment and interesting. This can be attained by subjecting students in play, exploration as well as challenge. Nevertheless, extrinsic motivation is also considered ideal in that the students are subjected to reinforcements such as rewards. However, this has been refuted by some researchers arguing that the intrinsic motivation is more desirable and mostly results in better learning outcomes compared to extrinsic motivation. Motivation involves constellating beliefs, perceptions, interests and actions (Alfrey, 2003). Educators can use either motivation that focuses on cognitive behaviors like use of different strategies and monitoring students’ progress or non-cognitive aspect which involves focusing and changing students’ perception, beliefs and attitudes (Blakemore & Frith, 2007). In some instances, educators can decide to use both motivational strategies in the effort of enhancing effective learning. In situations where behavior is the focal point that currently determines student’s performance, reinforcements like those advocated by B.F. Skinner are endorsed. Positive reinforcements such as rewards are advocated for students with good behaviors that are considered ideal in determining students’ performance while
Monday, October 14, 2019
Change Management in the Learning Organization Essay Example for Free
Change Management in the Learning Organization Essay In this paper I intend to discuss change management approaches that support the learning organization philosophy. The learning organization is defined as an organization that acquires knowledge and innovates fast enough to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Learning organizations (1) create a culture that encourages and supports continuous employee learning, critical thinking, and risk taking with new ideas, (2) allow mistakes, and value employee contributions, (3) learn from experience and experiment, and (4) disseminate the new knowledge throughout the organization for incorporation into day-to-day activities. On the other hand we have a process called change management which is defined as minimizing resistance to organizational change through involvement of key players and stakeholders. At my organization these two go hand in hand and it allows for us as a company to experience constant growth and development of our staff. Our employees are more willing to welcome change when we train them in the process. As businesses moves through the 21st century, they are becoming more dependent upon their managers to be change agents. These companies actually seek managers who can bring success to their organizations. Three of the characteristics we look for in our new managers are they must have the ability to stimulate change, excellent planning capabilities, and ethics. Over the years I have spent in management I have learned that success in becoming a learning organization relies on a commitment to learning on the part of the organizations I have worked for and the willingness of the individuals involved to be receptive to the change process. As a manager, what we usually can change falls into basically three categories; people, structure, or technology. An efficient manager will make alterations in these areas in an attempt to facilitate change. With people the change involves adjusting attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and probably most importantly behavior. Coaching people to adjust in these areas will help employees within the organization to work together more effectively. Changing structure relates to the job design, specialization, hierarchy and any other structural variables. These usually need to be flexible and non-static in order to be adaptable to change. When dealing with technological change we are looking at modifying work processes and methods along with the introduction of new equipment. To me learning organizations support the change process just as much as change management supports the learning organization philosophy. I say that because every change calls for some sort of learning as the more comprehensive the change the more attention we have to place on learning for the individuals involved in the change. By utilizing the learning organizations philosophies companies including the one I work for are able to magnify the potential of its employees which keeps them growing. References Learning in action: a guide to putting the learning organization to work/ David A. Garvin
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Henrik Isbens A Dolls House :: A Dolls House Essays
A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen was born in 1828 on the coast of Norway into a middle class family. When he was 6 years of age, due to financial loss, his family were forced to move to a smaller house in the country and his education was disruppted. Ibsen had to work as an apprentice and study in the evening this alienated him from his family and he was never to reunite with them. In 1849 his first play was published and was a disaster. Ibsen altered his style of writing to accommodate the trend of the era which was romanticism. His second play the â€Å"The Warrior’s Borrow†was a success. Ibsen then acquired a job as â€Å"Dramatic Author†at the Norwegian Theatre which included all parts of the theatre production directing, designing sets and costumes as well as financial and business aspects. At this point in time, Ibsen was successful as light comedy, romanticism and melodrama were the main subjects he wrote about. By 1860 he was disillusioned with those and wanted to deal with real issues about everyday life in society, which his middle class audience could relate to. Being a socialist, Ibsen’s realistic for of writing made his audiences think and even examine their own life’s this made his realistic plays extremely successful with the public but the critics thought other wise. In 1877 â€Å"The Pillars of Society†was his naturalistic play but still contained a happy ending. Then only two years later â€Å"A Doll’s House†had a totally different ending which embraced women’s rights and was revolutionary causing a stir throughout Europe. Most of Ibsen’s realistic plays were based on events that had happened in his own life. The style at the time was Romanticism and melodrama this genre of theatre was known as â€Å"The Well Made Play†. The plays in this era consisted of your typical goodies vs. baddies battles which resulted in the goodies winning nearly all the time. A high percentage of the time these types of plays ended up with every thing falling into place nicely for instance, the man gets the women, the goodies win the battle and everyone lives â€Å"happily ever after†. As I stated earlier on Ibsen wanted to move away from this style and on to a different on. Ibsen helped develop a new genre of theatre along with Shaw called Naturalistic. This type of drama was classed as â€Å"The new theatre†which dealt with real life situations, morals and social issues. Some critics found this style of drama scandalous which dented its popularity in the early stages. The first play to generate positive remarks from the critics was Ibsen’s play â€Å"A Dolls House†.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The American Cultural Configuration :: Sociology, Family, Religious Views
In the text, â€Å"The American Cultural Configuration†the authors express the desire of anthropologists to study their own culture despite the difficulty that one faces attempting to subjectively analyze their own society. Holmes and Holmes (2002), use the adage â€Å"not being able to see the forest through the trees†(p. 5) to refer to how hard it is for someone to study something they have largely taken for granted. The Holmes' article focuses predominately on paradoxes within our own culture, many of which we don't notice. In a paradox, two contradicting statements can appear to be true at the same time. This essay looks at two paradoxes commonly found in everyday life: the individual versus the family and religion. When you think about family, what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you only thought about your parents or close relatives then you may have been caught in an â€Å"individual vs. family†paradox. Nearly every culture considers family important, but â€Å"many Americans have never even met all of their cousins†(Holmes & Holmes, 2002, p.19). We say we are family oriented, but not caring to meet all of our extended family seems to contradict that. Individual freedoms, accomplishments, and goals are all American ideals that push the idea of individualism. What's important to note is that family or even the concept of family itself doesn't appear in any of those ideals. Holmes and Holmes (2002), observed that â€Å"The family reunions of yesterday are now rare, and when they occur they are often a source of stress.†(p. 19) That quote solidifies one reason why family interaction today is : it's just too stressful, so we avoid it. Where does marriage fit i nto our culture of individuals? Marriage itself may be less of a family unifying event than a way for two individuals to obtain personal happiness; the climbing divorce rate alone seems to suggest the devaluation of commitment in a relationship. Likewise, the Holmes and Holmes (2002) state â€Å"marriage is in effect a continuation of courtship†(p. 19) In my opinion, I would have to agree with the authors on family and marriage, considering the above-stated facts and trends. If we, as a nation, can place the individual so far above our own relatives, are we not creating a future of selfishness? Religious views are virtually unquantifiable on their own, but the effects of those views are very much measurable.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Hiring an Accredited Administrator Essay
Several registered ISO certified companies are providing services to develop your standards according to the ISO. An ISO certified accredited administrator guides you throughout the entire process of standardization. For instance, in writing company’s policy statement, and sometimes even in complex operating procedures. A firm can hire ISO accredited registrar who has knowledge and background about the firm’s business. Nonetheless, the price of accredited administrator and registrar depend on numerous factors like nature and size of business. Objectives of ISO 9000 Design control, quality system, management responsibility, documentation and data control, process control, order entry, training, inspection of test status, delivery, handling, storing, packing, servicing, measurement and test equipment, statistical techniques, and internal quality audit are some of the main objectives of ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems. Cost of ISO 9000 The cost of implementing ISO 9000 standards in any type of company depends on several factors. Usually, gap analysis is employed when evaluating implementation cost. However, the factors which make an outline about cost focus on the following questions: how long will it take to develop your company’s quality management system working with ISO team? Registrar charges vary from country to country. What is the size of your company? Does it conduct business on international level or domestic level? How many people will be involved in setting up the standards whether you hire a person from outside or not? Normally, in gap analysis, companies calculate two kinds of costs: external and internal. Both include services and consultancy professional charges that include gap analysis, system documentation, system developing, training and awareness, system modifications, internal auditing services and so forth. Registrar fees like, application and registration fees, Product cost includes software and publication. Advantages and Disadvantages of ISO 9000 Advantages. The advantages of ISO 9000 are numerous such as maintenance of quality; opportunity to compete with bigger companies; clarity of customer focus; verification of the company; enhancements in facility performances and superiority as a result of implementing and maintaining the process; and increase in customer confidence and satisfaction. According to Ridley, â€Å"in organizations that are registered to ISO 9000 standards, the impact on control systems is significant. Besides, all your business partners agree that your company is producing product in highly standardized environment, which is not a small benefit. (Ridley, 1997) â€Å"The ISO 9000 registration process requires so much documentation and self-assessment that many businesses that undergo its rigors cite increased understanding of the company’s overall direction and processes as a significant benefit. †Moreover, the ISO 9000 certification process emphasis on self-analysis and operations management issues encourages various internal areas or departments of company to interact with one another in hopes of gaining a more complete understanding of the needs and desires of their internal customers†. (ISO 9000: Encyclopedia of Small Business). In addition, small business owners and large firms’ owners have agreed that ISO 9000 standard certification may be a good tool, which ensures funding from joint venture capital firms. According to another researchers Brewer and Mills, â€Å"ISO provides consistency for the end-customer and traceability for the company itself†(Brewer and Mills, 1994) Disadvantages of ISO 9000 Despite the advantages, there are some disadvantages as well. According to Sadiq, â€Å"senior management’s lack of understanding of the benefits they can derive by effectively implementing the standard also plays a role in creating this negative perception. In many situations top management– not understanding the standard or not having been trained in it-starts to view the standard`s requirements as a non-value– adding burden. †(Sadiq, 2002) Business executives and proprietors who are familiar with the ISO 9000 registration process know that this process may take several months to complete. Moreover, too much time is lost in proper documentation, which sometimes looks a hazardous job. According to Bibby â€Å"it virtually ignores the formulas of modern quality management: there is no mandate to reduce cycle time, cut inventories, speed up deliveries, and increase customer satisfaction†. (Bibby, 1996) Nonetheless, to achieve maximum advantage from this standard, standard languages are required for documenting good procedures. A well-managed system that implements practices can be applied throughout the organization. The documentation procedure should cover all parts of the organization within a certain limit and scope of registration in order to insure that quality objectives are met. A third party may be hired to measures audit models and to verify the certification of organizations. Future of ISO. The ISO 9000 is finally being modified according to the growing needs of the business community all around the world. The family of ISO 9000 and 2000, known as the family of Quality Management System standards, was finalized on 2000. According to Meyer, â€Å"the pressure for companies to become ISO 9000-certified is absolutely increasing and will continue to increase†. (Meyer, 1998) Nowadays, these standards are being distributed to the institute of ISO’s worldwide membership. In this regard, the three final draft international standards, which have been published, are as follows. †¢ â€Å"ISO/FDIS 9000, Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary †¢ ISO/FDIS 9001, Quality management systems – Requirements ISO/FDIS 9004, Quality management systems – Guidelines for performance improvements†. (What’s the Future of ISO? ISO 9000:2000) â€Å"The ISO Action Plan for Developing Countries defines a number of actions intended to mobilize its members, regional organizations and donor agencies. The actions are aimed at promoting developing country participation in ISO, building capacity through technical assistance programmes and enhancing interactions at regional and international levels. †(What’s the Future of ISO? ISO 9000:2000) ISO has planned some points for the developing countries for the period of 2005-2010, which includes the following: †¢ Intensify awareness among shareholders in developing countries for standardization of economic growth, global trade, and reliable development. †¢ Increase domestic and international cooperation in order to share training, experience, communication, technology, and communication †¢ Expand electronic communication and expertise in information technology tools to take part in global standardization †¢ Enhance participation in technical and governance work of international standard organization to voice priorities. Economic Benefits of ISO As most of the domestic and multinational organizations adopted ISO standards, it increased economic growth and played a fundamental role in globalizing the business world. Certainly, standards create environment for economic success. Equal sets of standards throughout the business world provide business partners an opportunity to trade globally without hesitating about product quality. In this regard, the primary objective behind setting one global standard is to reinforce the global business as a channel of economic activity. The fair market value of small firms registered with ISO 9000 in the year 1994 increased dramatically up to 0. 75 percent. International large firms have experienced more than 0. 80 percent worth of their business. As product quality has improved, public limited companies’ share prices have increased. â€Å"In the UK, the DTI commissioned research revealed the following facts: †¢ Standards make an annual contribution of ? 2. 5 billion to the UK economy; †¢ 13 per cent of the growth in labor productivity is attributed to the role of standards; †¢ Standards are an enabler of innovation and facilitator of technological change; and †¢ The economic return from investment in standards makes sound business sense at both the macro and the micro-economic level†. (TC_211_Newsletter_08. doc) Conclusion In today’s world of economy, the barriers of international trade have been knocked down. Domestic and multinational companies have enhanced their level of performance in order to survive in today’s global world. Today, ISO 9000 standards are globally accepted. They help companies achieve cost effectiveness and quality assurance methods. Many small- and large-scale firms around the world have been adopted ISO standards. According to Ingman, a resercher in this area, â€Å"most organizations will not stop with ISO as their â€Å"only†main quality initiative, but rather will continue to work toward the broader concept of total quality management (TQM)†. (Ingman, 1994) References Brewer Peter C. , Mills Tina Y, (Feb, 1994), Journal Article, ISO 9000 Standards: An Emerging CPA Service Area – International Organization For Standardization. Bibby, Thomas, (Apr 1996), ISO 9000, A Catalyst, Not A Solution, Manufacturing Engineering, EPA – Environmental Management Systems/ISO 14001 http://www. epa. gov/OWM/iso14001/isofaq. htm Accessed, May 12, 2007 How to Pursue ISO Certification http://www. isixsigma. com/library/content/c000917c. asp Accessed, May 12, 2007 ISO 9000 †¦ for better or worse,( Sept 25, 1997) American Metal Market, ISO 9000: Encyclopedia of Small Business http://business. enotes. com/small-business-encyclopedia/iso Accessed, May 12, 2007 ISO – International Organization for Standardization http://www. html Accessed, May 12, 2007 Meyer Harvey R, ( March, 1998 ). Journal Article, Small Firms Flock To Quality System – Intl Organization For Standards’ ISO 9000 Certification – Includes Related Articles, Nation’s Business Not Available www. geog. leeds. ac. uk/staff/m. blake/magis/glossary/esriglos. htm QUALITY MANAGEMENT WITH ISO 9000 http://www. bioingegneria. uniba. it/bollettino/qualita/q_management. html Accessed, May 12, 2007 Ridley Jeffrey , (August, 1997), Jounal Article, Embracing Iso 9000 – Generic, Organizational, Quality-System Standards. Sadiq, Naeem, (Oct 2002), Jounal Article, ISO 9000 Standards: Where’s The Value? Ingman, Lars, Journal Article, (Jan 1994), Life After ISO 9000 TC_211_Newsletter_08. doc http://www. isotc211. org/Outreach/Newsletter/Newsletter_08_2005/TC_211_Newsletter_08. doc Accessed, May 12, 2007 What’s the Future of ISO? ISO 9000:2000 http://www. isixsigma. com/library/content/c000917e. asp Accessed, May 12, 2007 Where ISO 9000 came from and who is behind it http://www. iso. ch/iso/en/iso9000-14000/understand/basics/basics14000/basics14000_1. html Accessed, May 12, 2007.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Subramainaya Baharathi
Introduction: Subramaniya Bharathi the Poet of Tamil Nationalism & Indian Freedom â€Å"He who writes poetry is not a poet. He whose poetry has become his life, and who has made his life his poetry – it is he who is a poet. †– Bharathy Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharathi was born on 11 December 1882 in Ettiyapuram in Tamil Nadu. Bharathi died on 11 September 1921. In a relatively short life span of 39 years, Bharathi left an indelible mark as the poet of Tamil nationalism and Indian freedom. Bharathi's mother died in 1887 and two years later, his father also died. At the age of 11, in 1893 his prowess as a poet was recognised and he was accorded the title of ‘bharathi'. He was a student at Nellai Hindu School and in 1897 he married Sellamal. Thererafter, from 1898 to 1902, he lived in Kasi. Bharathi worked as a school teacher and as a journal editor at various times in his life. As a Tamil poet he ranked with Ilanko, Thiruvalluvar and Kamban. His writings gave new life to the Tamil language – and to Tamil national consciousness. He involved himself actively in the Indian freedom struggle. It is sometimes said of Bharathi that he was first an Indian and then a Tamil. Perhaps, it would be more correct to say that he was a Tamil and because he was a Tamil he was also an Indian. For him it was not either or but both – it was not possible for him to be one without also being the other. Bharathi often referred to Tamil as his ‘mother'. At the sametime, he was fluent in many languages including Bengali, Hindi, Sanskrit, Kuuch, and English and frequently translated works from other languages into Tamil. His (among all the languages we know, we do not see anywhere, any as sweet as Tamil) was his moving tribute to his mother tongue. That many a Tamil web site carries the words of that song on its home page in cyber space today is a reflection of the hold that those words continue to have on Tamil minds and Tamil hearts. His – was Bharathi's salute to the Tamil nation and many a Tamil child has learnt and memorised those moving words from a very young age – and I count myself as one of them. Bharathi was a Hindu. But his spirituality was not limited. He sang to the Hindu deities, and at the same time he wrote songs of devotion to Jesus Christ and Allah. Bharathi was a vigorous campaigner against casteism. He wrote in ‘Vande Matharam' : – – We shall not look at caste or religion, All human beings in this land – whether they be those who preach the vedas or who belong to other castes – are one. Bharathi lived during an eventful period of Indian history. Gandhi, Tilak, Aurobindo and V. V. S. Aiyar were his contemporaries. He involved himself with passion in the Indian freedom struggle. His ‘Viduthalai, Viduthalai' was not only a clarion call for freedom from alien rule but also addressed the need to unite a people across caste barriers – ! ! ! ! . Bibilography He saw a great India. He saw a n India of skilled workers and an educated people. He saw an India where women would be free. His – expressed the depth of his love and the breadth of his vision for India. Bharathi served as Assistant Editor of the Swadeshamitran in 1904. He participated in the 1906 All India Congress meeting in Calcutta (chaired by Dadabhai Naoroji) where the demand for ‘Swaraj' was raised for the first time. Bharathi supported the demand wholeheartedly and found himself in the militant wing of the Indian National Congress together with Tilak and Aurobindo. Aurobindo writing on the historic 1906 Congress had this to say: â€Å"We were prepared to give the old weakness of the congress plenty of time to die out if we could get realities recognised. Only in one particular have we been disappointed and that is the President's address. But even here the closing address with which Mr. Naoroji dissolved the Congress, has made amends for the deficiencies of his opening speech. He once more declared Self-Government, Swaraj, as in an inspired moment he termed it, to be our one ideal and called upon the young men to achieve it. The work of the older men had been done in preparing a generation which were determined to have this great ideal and nothing else; the work of making the ideal a reality lies lies with us. We accept Mr. Naoroji's call and to carry out his last injunctions will devote our lives and, if necessary, sacrifice them. †(Bande Mataram, 31 December 1906) Many Tamils will see the parallels with the Vaddukoddai Resolution of 1976 which proclaimed independence for the Tamils of Eelam – the work of older men determined to have ‘this great ideal and nothing else' and the later determination of Tamil youth to devote their lives, and ‘if necessary sacrifice them' to make that ideal a reality. In April 1907, he became the editor of the Tamil weekly ‘India'. At the same time he also edited the English newspaper ‘Bala Bharatham'. He participated in the historic Surat Congress in 1907, which saw a sharpening of the divisions within the Indian National Congress between the militant wing led by Tilak and Aurobindo and the ‘moderates'. Subramanya Bharathi supported Tilak and Aurobindo together with ‘Kapal Otiya Thamilan' V. O. Chidambarampillai and Kanchi Varathaachariyar. Tilak openly supported armed resistance and the Swadeshi movement. These were the years when Bharathi immersed himself in writing and in political activity. In Madras, in 1908, he organised a mammoth public meeting to celebrate ‘Swaraj Day'. His poems ‘Vanthe Matharam', ‘Enthayum Thayum', ‘Jaya Bharath' were printed and distributed free to the Tamil people. In 1908, he gave evidence in the case which had been instituted by the British against ‘Kappal Otiya Thamizhan', V. O. Chidambarampillai. In the same year, the proprietor of the ‘India' was arrested in Madras. Faced with the prospect of arrest, Bharathi escaped to Pondicherry which was under French rule. From there Bharathi edited and published the ‘India' weekly. He also edited and published ‘Vijaya', a Tamil daily, Bala Bharatha, an English monthly, and ‘Suryothayam' a local weekly of Pondicherry. Under his leadership the Bala Bharatha Sangam was also started. The British waylaid and stopped remittances and letters to the papers. Both ‘India' and ‘Vijaya' were banned in British India in 1909. The British suppression of the militancy was systematic and thorough. Tilak was exiled to Burma. Aurobindo escaped to Pondicherry in 1910. Bharathi met with Aurobindo in Pondicherry and the discussions often turned to religion and philosophy. He assisted Aurobindo in the ‘Arya' journal and later ‘Karma Yogi' in Pondicherry. In November 1910, Bharathi released an ‘Anthology of Poems' which included ‘Kanavu'. V. V. S. Aiyar also arrived in Pondicherry in 1910 and the British Indian patriots, who were called ‘Swadeshis' would meet often. They included Bharathi, Aurobindo and V. V. S. Aiyar. R. S. Padmanabhan in his Biography of V. V. S. Aiyar writes: â€Å"All of them, whether there was any warrant against them or not, were constantly being watched by British agents in Pondicherry. Bharathi was a convinced believer in constitutional agitation. Aurobindo had given up politics altogether†¦ and Aiyar had arrived in their midst with all the halo of a dedicated revolutionary who believed in the cult of the bomb and in individual terrorism. In 1912, Bharathy published his Commentaries on the Bhavad Gita in Tamil as well as Kannan Paatu, Kuyil Paatu and Panjali Sabatham. After the end of World War I, Bharathi entered British India near Cuddalore in November 1918. He was arrested and imprisoned in the Central prison in Cuddalore in custody for three weeks – from 20 November 20 to 14 Dece mber. He was released after he was prevailed upon to give an undertaking to the British India government that he would eschew all political activities. These were years of hardship and poverty. Eventually, the General Amnesty Order of 1920 removed all restrictions on his movement. Bharathy met with Mahatma Gandhi in 1919 and in 1920, Bharathy resumed editorship of the Swadeshamitran in Madras. That was one year before his death in 1921. Today, more than 80 years later, Subaramanya Bharathy stands as an undying symbol of Indian freedom and a vibrant Tamil nationalism. P. S. Sundaram in his biographical sketch of Subramania Bharathy concludes: â€Å"Though Bharathi died so young, he cannot be reckoned with Chatterton and Keats among the inheritors of ‘unfulfilled renown'. His was a name to conjure with, at any rate in South India, while he was still alive. But his fame was not so much as a poet as of a patriot and a writer of patriotic songs. His loudly expressed admiration for Tilak, his fiery denunciations in the Swadeshamitran, and the fact that he had to seek refuge in French territory to escape the probing attentions of the Government of Madras, made him a hero and a ‘freedom fighter'. His lilting songs were on numerous lips, and no procession or public meeting in a Tamil district in the days of ‘non-cooperation' could begin, carry on or end without singing a few of them†¦ Bharathi's love of Tamil, both the language as it was in his own day and the rich literature left as a heritage, was no less than his love of India†¦ When he claims for Valluvan, Ilango and Kamban, Bharathy does so not as an ignorant chauvinist but as one who has savoured both the sweetness of these writers and the strength and richness of others in Sanskrit and English†¦ â€Å"(in Poems of Subramania Bharathy – A Selection Translated by P. S. Sundaram, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 1982) Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiar was one of the greatest Tamil poets, a prolific writer, philosopher and a great visionary of immense genius. He was also one of the most prominent leaders of the Indian independence movement. His national integration songs earned him the title â€Å"Desiya Kavi†(National Poet). His patriotic songs emphasize nationalism, unity of India, equality of men and the greatness of Tamil language. Bharathiar was born on December 11, 1882 in Ettayapuram, which is now part of Thoothukudi District. Bharathiar was educated at a local high school where his talents as a poet were recognized even at the age of 11. He had voracious appetite for learning ancient and contemporary Tamil literature and had gifted intellect to derive astonishing truths from ancient poems. At the age of 22, he became a Tamil teacher at Setupati High School in Madurai and the same year he was appointed as Assistant Editor of a daily newspaper called â€Å"Swadesamitran†. In 1906, he was editor of a weekly magazine called â€Å"India†. By 1912, Bharathiar was already a legend in South India and his political meetings were attracting multitudes of young patriots, ready to join the non-violent movement for attaining freedom from the British rule. Bharathiar died on September 11, 1921, at the young age of 39. The legacy of the poet however endures forever Literary Works The following collections published by Bharathi piracuralayam, Triplicane, 1949 contains shorter pieces: thEciya keethangal – 57 poems thoththirap pAdalkal – devotional songs, 66 pieces vinayakar nanmanimaalai, kannanpattu -23 pieces pirapadalkal – 30 pieces autobiography in verse form: svacarithai (49 st. ), bharathi arupathu (66 st), cinnacankaran kathai puthiya aaththiccudi, paappapattu (1914, 16 quatrains) pancali capatham – narrative poem in 1548 lines rose – gnana ratham, 1910 short narrative pieces aaril oru pangku,1911-12 Cheeezzzz: The Tamil poet, Maha Kavi Subramaniam Bharathiar, familiarly referred to as Bharathi, has been a real life hero. His extraordinary power was his poetry, his weapon of choice- his pen. He wrote at a time when his country was crying out for reform. Though many may remember him for inspiring h is people to seek freedom from alien rule, he also spoke out for the freedom and equality of the Indian woman – his damsel in distress – in a time when they were barely acknowledged for their existence. The mid 19th century was a time when the Indian woman had absolutely no rights and their relationship with their husbands were close to that of Master and Slave. Women were not thought important enough to pursue studies, as their role was more as the dutiful wife at home. Bharathi was first among the growing school of Renaissance poets during this period who insisted that the only way for a country to grow was through empowering its women. â€Å"Aanum Pennum nigarrenak kolvathaal Ariviloanki ivvagayakam thalaikumaam†Taken from his poem Puthumai Penn (New Woman) the line evokes that â€Å"When we realize that man and woman are equal, this world will flourish with knowledge†. From religious hymns to inspiring nationalist anthems and poems shattering without hesitation every social taboo that was held close by conventional South Indians, Bharathi voiced his opinion without hesitation in a lyrical style that has not even been surpassed by literature that followed his period. Among his well-known poetry is Oadi vilayaadu paapaa. While a poem of instruction for children it also hints to all ages on accepting people as human beings and not on their caste or creed. Jaadhigal illaiyadi paaapaa, Kulath thaalchi uyarchi sollal paavam paapaa Neethi uyarntha mathi kalvi Anbu niraiya udayavargal meloar paapaa â€Å"There is no caste little one. It is a sin to categorise people as high and low caste. Only those who possess justice, intelligence and education and great love are of a high caste†Thus he included the Tamil woman in his fight for freedom who, in one of his essays he called â€Å"Slaves who remain conservative and orthodox†as they were â€Å"not permitted to make their own choices†. Woman as a mother was Bharathi's favourite theme and the book ‘Woman in Modern Tamil Literature' by Loganayagy Nannithamby says that â€Å"Bharati who envisages women as the incarnation of Sakti [Parasakti – the great Goddess or the Mother-Goddess] says in one of his essays on philosophy: As a man, all the female deities you pray to, represent the latent powers of Parasakti hidden in women like your mother, wife, sister and daughter. Bharati's idealist views later turned to more down-to-earth, reformist views with the seeping in of Northern influences like the coming of the Brahmins and Puranas, which was slowly deteorating the status of the woman of the South. He argued that if women's freedom were to be deprived, man would perish along with it and that men were not to monopolize freedom. Aettayum pengal thoduvadhu theemaiyendren niyirunthavar Maaynthuvittar Veetukkullay pennaip pooti vaippoam endra vindai manithar thalai Kavilnthaaar â€Å"Those who thought that women should not touch books and learn have died! Those surprising people who said that we have to lock women in homes to do their duties, have put their heads down in shame. †His hope for women included a librated free woman who thought independently and used her knowledge, like men, for the betterment of the country. His wife Chellamal Bharati, in her biography of her husband related incidents when she says how her husband put all social barriers to the wind and clung to her arms while walking boldly next to her (Brahmin women were required to walk a few steps behind her husband). Nimirntha nannenjum naer konda paarvaiyum Nilathinil yaarukkum anjaatha nerigalum Thimirntha gnanach cherukkum iruppadhaal Semmai maadhargal thirambuvathillaiyaam†â€Å"With upright heart and steadfast look and ideas that are not afraid of anyone in the world- the woman does not falter as she has the delight of wisdom. †This great poet died on September 11, 1921 after being trampled by an Elephant when he went seeking blessings at t he temple. He was thought of as such an outcast at the time that only seven people attended his funeral. But his poetry, which belied his time, caused the birth of new ideas and the emancipation of the status of the woman in India today and remains as inspiration to millions of people around the world. Cheeezzzz: and This is the great Hero's Photo. Subramanian T. R subbu: Fantastic TRIBUTE to our GR8T Poet n Freedom Fighter Shri. MAHA KAVI SUBRAMANIA BHARATHI indeed†¦ Good to see that you shared with all our friends here my dear Ramya Ponnu O0 On this day Let's Have our Gr8t Rememberance of his contributions to the society ! :noteworthy: subbu
Chemical Imbalance and Depression
Chemical Imbalance and Depression Melissa Creamer PSYC 3002- Developing a Psychology Perspective Project Draft – Persuasive Paper Capella University [email protected] edu October 2012 Introduction According to some Psychologists, chemical imbalance can lead to depression and other mental illnesses. It is very unclear that depression is one of the possible symptoms of a chemical imbalance. However, chemical imbalance doesn’t lead to every kind of depression seen in the lives of many people. Admin,2012) Approximately five percent of the United States' population experiences a depressive episode that requires psychopharmacological treatment; in any one year, ten to twelve million Americans are affected by depression, with the condition twice as common in females than in males. (Ho, 2002) We all have chemical signals that are called neurotransmitters and they come in a variety of forms like Serotonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine. All three of these neurotransmitters pla y a very important role in maintaining normal mood, motivation and concentration.What is Serotonin? Serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, a type of chemical that helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. (Bouchez, 2007) In depressed brains, the Serotonin signal had been somehow weakened because of a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmitters. (Mukherjee, 2012) Low Serotonin levels are often attributed to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, obesity, eating disorders, migraines, and alcohol abuse. (Integrative Psychiatry, 2012)Treatment for increasing levels of Serotonin in the brain are medication like Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil.These medications are known to work by making more serotonin in the brain. (Carver, 2002) If we have too much Serotonin you will have this feeling of bliss and it can also produce a life threatening condition known as Serotonin Syndrome. To date there have been no recorded or documented studies proving that the brain levels of Serot onin or any neurotransmitter are in short supply when depression or any mental illness develops. (Bouchez, 2007) Serotonin can be measured in the blood but they are not sure that blood levels effect the brain’s level of Serotonin.The next neurotransmitter that is part of the brain is Dopamine. What is Dopamine? Dopamine is in the area of the brain that is considered to be the neurotransmitter of focus and attention. Dopamine relays impulses across the microscopic spaces, called synapses, which exist between adjacent nerves, thus allowing the propagation of messages from one nerve to the next. (Christensen, 2011) Low levels of Dopamine make concentration and focus very difficult, this is associated with Attention- Deficit- Hyperactivity- Disorder. Carver, 2002) If patients are found to have low levels of Dopamine, you will be prescribed medication that actually slows down the hyperactive by increasing Dopamine boasting the level into normal range allowing them to focus and pay attention. Researchers say that if a patient is found to have prolonged exposure to Dopamine, patients are more apt to abuse drugs. Most addictive drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines, directly or indirectly raise dopamine levels, and the chemical plays a major role in drug-induced highs. WebMD, 2005) The next neurotransmitter that is part of the brain is Norepinphrine. What is Norepinphrine? Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter often associated with the flight or fight response to stress. Norepinephrine also functions hormones in the body. Low levels of Norepinephrine are associated with a loss of alertness, poor memory, and depression. (Carver, 2002) It has been found that low levels of norepinephrine are in ADHD and depression patients. If the levels are two high patients may feel fatigue, have muscle cramps and a sense of being on edge.Almost all anxiety disorders involve norepinephrine elevations. (Carver, 2002) Psychiatrists would treat low levels of norepinephrine with newer antidepressants like Effexor and Serzone. Treatment of high levels of norepinephrine the psychologist would prescribe GABA, also known as Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid. Summary and Conclusion As I stated in my debate it is very clear that depression is one of the possible symptoms of chemical imbalance. However, chemical imbalance doesn’t lead to every kind of depression seen in the lives of many people. Admin, 2012) Not all medication has the same dosage. There are many different types of medication that you can have prescribed if your brain is low or has high neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine. If you feel like you are depressed go and see a Psychologist, so the correct medication can be prescribed to you. References Admin (2012). Is depression caused by chemical imbalance in the brain? Retrieved from http://smartsdepression. com/2012/04/27/is-depression-caused-by-chemical-imbalance-in-the-brain. Bouchez, Colette, (2007).Serotonin: 9 Questions and Answers. Article is a WebMD feature. Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/depression/features/serotonin. Carver, Joseph MD, (2002). The â€Å"Chemical Imbalance†in mental health problems. Retrieved from http://www. drjoecarver. com/clients/49533/file/chemical%20imbalance. html. Christensen, Stephen, (2011). Depression treatment with dopamine. Retrieved from http://www. livestrong. com/article/362623-depression-treatment-with-dopamine/. Ho, Kathryn, (2002). Serotonin ; Depression. Retrieved from http://serendip. brynmawr. du/bb/neuro/neuro99/web3/ho. html Integrative psychiatry, (2012). Serotonin. Retrieved from http://integrativepsychiatry. net/serotonin. html. Mukherjee, Siddhartha, (2012). Post-Prozac Nation. The Science and History of Treating Depression. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2012/04/22/magazine/the-science-and-history-of-treating-depression. hmtl. WebMD, (2005). Dopamine may play new role in depression. Article is from WebMD new s archive. Retrieved from http://www. webmd/depression/news/20050728/dopamine-may-play-new-role-in-depression. .
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Kayte Clark Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Kayte Clark - Case Study Example According to the US Employment Law different employee unions are not required to ask for such formal permissions prior to contacting any employee. Therefore Kayte accepted their request and allowed them to meet the employees but the company heads including CEO reacted negatively on her action. They passed a notice to the employees stating that Kayte does not have any right to allow employee unions in the organization. Later she was given a onetime retirement offer excluding all the social security and funding benefits. This was supposed to be accepted then and there but she refused to admit it. Consequently, after two weeks she was terminated. Her sudden termination from the organization represents a clear case of retirement discrimination which will be discussed in detail with reference to Employee Retirement Income Security Act: Title VII, The recommendations of National Labor Relations Board and State Torts. This shall be further linked with the elements she must prove for a prima facie case and the awards and damages that she must receive in return. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA): Title VII Title VII of ERISA covers all the rights of employees while safeguarding them from any social or organizational harm. This is one of the most unique laws in USA as it is solely based upon the individuals who are currently working in an organization rather than contractors or unemployed people. Title VII consists of three fundamental tests through which legal associates recognize that whether an employee falls under this category or not. These include: Agency test i.e. the rights and control of employer over the activities of employees, Economic Realities test which defines the economic dependency of employee over the employer and lastly the Hybrid test which is the combination of agency test and economic test. In addition to this, the legal authorities scrutinize the employment claims as per the duration given to review the contract, nature of agreement either related to employment or retirement, the peculiar terms and conditions and the overall education and experience of the employee. This law is highly applicable in cases such as the one of Kayte because she had significant education and experience in the same organization. Moreover, the time given to Kayte in order to review the retirement package was insufficient neither she was given the opportunity to seek counseling from the company heads. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) NLRB is primarily responsible to improve the working conditions for employees while protecting their wage rights. It guarantees the right of forming an employees’ union in an organization while terminating the inefficient unions or employee groups. Moreover, it encourages the employees to join unions even without the consent of their employer so as to seek social and economic protection. Hence Kayte’s decision to allow the employee union in the organization is justified on the basis of N LRB elements. Furthermore the rules and regulations of National Labor Relations Board are applicable to every employee working at the level of local, state or federal government, in agricultural sector or in domestic service. It also extends protection to people who are employed by their family members or those who work as contractors. This represents that Kayte can easily
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Principles of Delivering Remarkable Service in the Hospitality Essay
The Principles of Delivering Remarkable Service in the Hospitality Industry - Essay Example It is important to adopt positive attitude when dealing with customers because this is the key practice towards achieving remarkable service delivery in the hospitality industry. Therefore it can be argued that organizations in the hospitality industry need to embrace the culture of remarkable customer service delivery. Organizations need to empower itself to ensure that exceptional customer service delivery is made possible. Remarkable service delivery enhances the identification of customer needs and how to customize the service delivery approach. This will ensure that all members in the entire organization fully embrace and develop the culture of effective and efficient remarkable service delivery. To achieve this organization need to incorporate principles of remarkable service delivery in its operations, vision and the entire corporate culture. These principles basically provide guidelines and procedures on how organizations in hospitality industry can have remarkable service delivery (Kusluvan 2003). It notably helps teams and leaders in hospitality industry have an insight understanding on remarkable excellent customer service delivery. The principles of delivering remarkable service in the hospitality industry entail the following. There are various attributes in hospitality industry which significantly contribute to these organizations delivering remarkable service. These attributes compliment the remarkable service delivery skills which are very essential in the industry. These attributes ensure that the remarkable service delivery skills are focused on the satisfaction of customer needs. It establishes a core foundation in establishing strong relationship with the customers based on trust and loyalty. It is notable that all the attributes contributes collectively on the customer retention, loyalty and overall success in the hospitality industry (Kusluvan 2003). The
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