Monday, September 16, 2019
Site visit report
Visiting theatre is always exciting and interesting. It gives a lot of new information and new expressions. In order to be organized well enough any cultural site must be created as well-developed, complex structure with its each branch accomplishing its own functions.The Royal Court Theatre is one of the most famous theatres all over the world. The newest high quality performances take place in this theatre. These plays are always interesting and exciting and always refer to the eternal problems of humanity.This theatre is famous by its actual works using the works of writers not only from UK but from all over the world. â€Å"Nee York Times†referred this theatre as â€Å"the most important theatre in Europe†.  But it would be helpful not to forget that besides being the place of art it is also a public place. So, what Royal Court Theatre is and what its facilities are?First of all it is necessary to pay special attention to the Web-site of the Royal Court Theatre. It’s a great web-place which differs from thousands of other cultural places’ web-pages by its original design and convenient guide system. Would like to distinguish such sub-page of this site as â€Å"Visiting†. Very useful and in-time information is given there. The complete theatre address is given. The potential visitor can get here the detailed information regarding how to get to the theatre. The authorities have taken into consideration all the particularities and details.For example, such announcement as (Royal Court Theatre web-site, 2006): â€Å"Please note that the station itself is not accessible for wheelchair users†(n. p.) – it testifies the high level of the theatre services. The detailed information about parking all around theatre’s territory is given. For example it is submitted that the theatre has no car park but the information about the nearest parking is given. It is said that â€Å"there is on street parking aft er 6.30pm.†Each can also get the most convenient route how to get to the theatre. All the bus and subway routes are presented by the web-site.The history of the theatre in its not too long but very interesting version is also present on the web-site. From this information one can understand easily the very concept of the theatre performances and then to choose a play for visiting (their announcement is given on the main page).The other interesting thing: â€Å"Bar†– a special sub-page in which the visitor can get known about the eating facilities of the theatre(Royal Court Theatre web-site, 2006): â€Å"The Royal Court's BAR AND FOOD facilities occupy the nineteenth century auditorium ‘pit', the original vaults under the pavement and a completely new spacious hall built underneath Sloane Square†(n. p.). The schedule of coffee intervals is given. In the very bottom of the page it is pointed out: â€Å"Service is not included†. So, a visitor gets full information till the visiting theatre- that’s a very strong point in favour of the theatre.Special page for students is also created on this web-site with full description of full students events and so on. At first glance, the design and structure if the web-site is very simple but each sub-page contains other pages with very detailed information on each of them. For example, students’ page has such sub-pages as â€Å"Student events†, â€Å"Join hype†, â€Å"Bar and food†.It can be said that the Royal Court Theatre is a bright example of a well developed cultural structure. In order to analyze its functions efficiently it will be helpful to do that step by step. First among those is the advertising of the place. Once we got out from the bus in London we already saw a rather big billboard with the Royal Court Theatre advertising. So, from the very beginning of our visit to London we already knew that such theatre can be visited by us in t his city. That’s a very big point in favor of this establishment.While traveling all over the city other advertisings of the theatre have been noted by us as well. And in Sloane Square the booklets with the theatre’s advertising were distributed. In those leaflets the short information about theatre’s history and actual exhibitions was submitted. All these additional means of advertising were arranged professionally. Besides, there always exists some other kind of advertising – it is so called verbal advertising –from the parts pf people who have already visited the theatre. In other cultural sites which we visited in London many people gave us good calls on the Royal Court Theatre.So, if to estimate the advertising activities of the theatre by the scale of 10, it can be estimated as 10 points and that’s completely justified.The second point to be estimated is the visitor management. This activities start to be estimated when a visitor is in the theatre already. The staff of the theatre is composed by professional people and that can be noted as soon as one gets inside.  Both external and internal design of the theatre can compete with the most beautiful theatres of the world. When getting inside a beautiful hall arranged in somewhat old fashion with high walls and spacious upper side involves visitors into the atmosphere of theatre mystic.Marvellous French windows enhance even more beauty to the theatre premise. Special premises for coffee brakes, toilets are situated in such manner that they do not distract visitors’ attention from the principle theatre attributes.Regarding the interpretation of the performances it can said that the author’s presentation never can be correct for all visitors as each of them has his own opinion. Nevertheless, the performance of the two plays I was present on impressed me and I was agree with the author’s vision. What’s more, I even have changed my se eing of certain problems after seeing plays. This fact testifies the high professional level of the theatre plays.
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