Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fraud Envelops Irregularities and Unlawful Acts Essay example

Fraud envelops a cluster of irregularities and unlawful acts described by purposeful double dealing. The five components of cheating are an adulteration around a material truth, wrong reality made purposefully, intentionally or rashly, is made to accept, followed up on by the exploited person, and harm reason to the exploited person. Fraud like other wrongdoing are activated by the accompanying three components; a supple of spurring wrongdoers, the accessibility of suitable focuses on, the unlucky deficiency of able guardians. Hence the four components must be available for an individual to submit a cheat which is the open door, low risk of being caught,rationalization in fraudsters personality and justifcation that comes about because of†¦show more content†¦Individual is frequently offered access to another person’s property or cash for the reasons of overseeing, checking, and/or utilizing the advantages for the managers best premiums, however then secretly abuses t he benefits of his/her own particular individual increase and utilize, this is a sample of misappropriation. Lapping happens when a worker takes money by occupying an installment from one client, and afterward conceals the robbery by redirecting money from an alternate client to balance the receivable from the first client. This sort of duplicity could be directed in interminability, for more up to date installments are constantly being utilized to pay for more established obligations, so that no receivable included in the misrepresentation ever seems, by all accounts, to be that old. Lapping is most effectively occupied with when only one worker is included in all money taking care of and recordation undertakings. On the off chance that these undertakings are part up among a few individuals, then lapping must be directed when two or more representatives are included. Lapping ordinarily obliges that the individual occupied with the cheating be included consistently, thus does not take any excursion time. Larceny is a wrongdoing against ownership. Besides, it has two components which must be met, the genuine taking of the property, regardless of the fact that directly and the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design

Question: Discuss ethnography analysis, ethnography and sociology, big and little ethnography and critiques of ethnography? Answer: Introduction: Qualitative research is the technique of searching procedure that implements disciplines in different academy mostly in the social science but it also implements in the non-profit business sector for the market research includes research and various services (Bailey, 2014). Qualitative research is use to research and develop the products and services of the organisation and helps to achieve the organisation goals. Qualitative research as many approaches to implements in the organisation to make profit (Boblin, Ireland, Kirkpatrick Robertson, 2013). Ethnography is one of the qualitative approaches that implement in the organisation. Ethnography is the technique of the qualitative research that uses various methods to collect the data. Ethnography is also a study of the people and their culture. Ethnography is designed to explore the society culture where the researcher observes. The methods are use to research the peoples social understanding and the activity and involvement in the s ocial culture and the social familiar setting (Longhofer, Floersch Hoy, 2013). Ethnography Analysis: Ethnography is the understanding of the interaction with society, their behaviour, and understanding perception that happen in the research group, in the organisation, and the communities (Lenette Boddy, 2013). The aim of the ethnography technique is to deliver high quality, and holistic view inside the people minds as well as the view or the location of the researcher inhabits through the various collection of the data like interview or the observations (Jackson Sherriff, 2013). The task of the ethnography is to review the culture with their perspective and practices into the document. Ethnography research includes the various services of the organisation that concludes the various studies and maintains the track of the order in between the managers, workers, staff etc (Hammersley, 2013). The development of the ethnography helps to increase the efficiency of the organisation. Newly development of various strategy or methods includes automatic ethnography helps the researcher to im plements their own thoughts and include various perspectives from the interaction with the society people (Fortune, Reid Miller, 2013). Another strategy of the new development strategy is meta ethnography that helps the researcher to do qualitative research as well as analysed and synthesised the topic to create a new knowledge. The new meta ethnography includes the interaction with face to face process or the technical mediated interaction etc (De Melo Resende, 2012). Ethnography gathers all the observation that is made by the researcher with engagement as well as the involvement with the environment where the researchers are studying (Creswell Creswell, 2013). In the complexity of the social life, the analyzer needs to analyze the variety of elements in their respective field. At the time of the research, the ethnographers use to setup conversational or the informal interview sections that allow the researcher to discuss the various emerging topic and issues in naturalistic mann er (Conte Padgett, 2004). The interview technique or the method is very useful for the researcher to get comments from the individuals. Ethnography also uses to include formal interview and data documentation. The situation and the participation of the participants are observed on the purposive basis (Boblin, Ireland, Kirkpatrick Robertson, 2013). The analysis of the ethnographer researcher data are taken as the thematic manner. All the data are properly examine and categorise to identify the various key issues that expressed from the data (Conte Padgett, 2004). The data are analysed carefully and analytically sing inductive process. Reflexivity is the main technique or the main method of the ethnography process. Reflexivity gives the relationship with the researcher to share the various ethical issues with the participants that shows the close relationship with the various issues (Fortune, Reid Miller, 2013). In this assignment, the analyzer analyzes that the reflexivity give t he researcher a description and experience of the ethnographic ideas. The analyzer can judge the various impacts from the reflexivity. Ethnographers always provide a deep description of the research that the researcher observed which is typically based on the key information of strict observation and the interviews (Foster, 2012). The direct interaction with the different ethnographers provides detachment rather than involvement of the observed topic. The multifaceted observation of the social activity is difficult task. The temporal, behavioural and special task system element should document in the researcher paper (Gornall, 2013). Ethnography and Sociology: The social science or the sociology identified as unique in the various academy as per their disciplines (Hammersley, 2013). The sociology includes various social sciences, which has the basic interest in the matter of subject in most of the general people. The various social academies has their different interest in the different social aspects like education system, family, the state, the organization, the community, the religion, from the law and order, the form of fabric life style of the general social people and society member who are lay of society (Jackson Sherriff, 2013). The tremendous advantage of the ethnography over sociology begins with the various matter of subject, which is very interesting to the social people. The negative impact of the sociology over the ethnography is sometimes the social person competes with the various ordinary view of common sense (Lenette Boddy, 2013). People of the society develop their knowledge by which the people understand the whole wor ld, make different judgement and decisions and provide guidance and proper behaviour. Lay or the common sense endures two different qualities (Beck, 2013). Common people always use to share their knowledge over the social communities. Because institutes of the social science always form a fabric life style for the general people of the society. The social science is not properly able to demark the whole matter of the subject to feel the people uninformed and ignorant (Boblin, Ireland, Kirkpatrick Robertson, 2013). Sociology and the ethnography is very much inter related with the society people objective. Ethnography is the research method that observed the society people and to research the qualitative system of life style. Big and Little Ethnography: Ethnography is use to qualitative research of the ethnographic approaches, which avoids the survey process to collect the data (Conte Padgett, 2004). Big ethnography is representing the proper view the research that is perspectives as per ethnography. Little ethnography determines the fieldwork or the field research (De Melo Resende, 2012). In the field research or the field work, the ethnography would follow one of the particular way for the qualitative research on the society. Field research always identifies the real life research that helps the researcher to observe the society people in which these people lives or participate their day to day activity. Critiques of Ethnography: As per the various ethnographical approaches over the social science, the critiques of the ethnography are characterised in two types: The natural critique science determines from the social research of the natural science that measure the proper social sciences (Fortune, Reid Miller, 2013). The modern post critique comes from the various portion of the humanistic model of the social research. The ethnographers use to reflect their motivation or the objectives over the post modernist theories. The less or the low version of extreme critiques of the post modern approach is derived in the form of realism (Foster, 2012) The critical issues use to prevent the ethnographical process or the methods to implement on the society people. Conclusion: Ethnography is the very important approaches for the qualitative research. The researcher has analyzes the various aspects and impact of the ethnographical method. The researcher has followed various journals and books to identify the proper relation and the ethnographic approach from the observed society people. The various ethnographical issues are critically identified and the various ways is detected. Ethnography never left in the post modern state of the complete scepticism with relativism. The researcher analyzes the whole process of ethnography and prevents to access the post modern critiques worth portion to accept valid critiques and realistic approach. The quality research is possible in the qualitative research format. The researcher has given a brief idea about ethnography and it is strongly defence the various critiques over the society people. The realistic ethnographers survived among the various researchers who does observed the post modern part of the critique and ho ld the value of the human and interpretative approach to study and observe the natural people. The researcher also analyzes the methodological base of the critics realism that assert the reality and the social objectivity of the structure material. The material objectives could be possible to hide accurately to discover the ethnography. The good ethnography is work on the reproduction of the class, which address the objective of ethnographical class system and impose the ethnography. The researcher has rescue the ethnography as per the excess of post modernisation to incorporate of its criticise realism. The robust portion of the ethnographic representation is native realism, which is relevant to use the alternative function to access the ethnographic data under the validity attack and reliability attack. The researcher has analyzes the defender of the ethnography that is critics. Reference List: Bailey, L. (2014). The origin and success of qualitative research. International Journal Of Market Research, 56(2), 167. Beck, C. (2013). Routledge international handbook of qualitative nursing research. Abingdon: Routledge. Bhatti, G. (2013). Book Review: Sam Hillyard (ed.), New Frontiers in Ethnography. Qualitative Research, 13(1), 120-123. Boblin, S., Ireland, S., Kirkpatrick, H., Robertson, K. (2013). Using Stake's Qualitative Case Study Approach to Explore Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice. Qualitative Health Research, 23(9), 1267-1275. Conte, S., Padgett, D. (2004). Speaking for themselves: A qualitative study of young women who self-injure. Creswell, J., Creswell, J. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. De Melo Resende, V. (2012). Critical discourse analysis and ethnography: the crisis in the national street children's movement in Brazil. Qualitative Research, 13(5), 511-527. Fortune, A., Reid, W., Miller, R. (2013). Qualitative research in social work. New York: Columbia University Press. Foster, V. (2012). Pantomime and politics: the story of a performance ethnography. Qualitative Research, 13(1), 36-52. Gornall, L. (2013). Joseph A Maxwell, A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research, 13(4), 453-454. Hammersley, M. (2013). What is qualitative research?. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Jackson, C., Sherriff, N. (2013). A Qualitative Approach to Intergroup Relations: Exploring the Applicability of the Social Identity Approach to Messy  School Contexts. Qualitative Research In Psychology, 10(3), 259-273. Jones, C., Cohn, S., Ogilvie, D. (2013). Making Sense of a New Transport System: An Ethnographic Study of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway. Plos ONE, 8(7), e69254. Lenette, C., Boddy, J. (2013). Visual ethnography and refugee women: nuanced understandings of lived experiences. Qualitative Research Journal, 13(1), 72-89. Longhofer, J., Floersch, J., Hoy, J. (2013). Qualitative methods for practice research. New York: Oxford University Press. Masny, D. (2013). Rhizoanalytic Pathways in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(5), 339-348. Ryan, J. (2013). Book Review: Karin Olson, Essentials of Qualitative Interviewing. Qualitative Research, 13(2), 254-255. Vannini, P. (2013). Popularizing ethnography: reflections on writing for popular audiences in magazines and blogs. Qualitative Research, 13(4), 442-451.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Two Faces Of Ancient Greece (Athens Sparta) Essay Example For Students

The Two Faces Of Ancient Greece (Athens Sparta) Essay The two most dominating city-states in Greece of their time, Athens and Sparta, were great rivals with two very different ways of life. Spartas overbearing military and Athens impartial justice system and government are models for many modern day countries. Even though these two city-states differ greatly from one another, they share many characteristics of their country and their time period. Athens and Sparta were the two most powerful Greek territories of their time. Like most cities of the same country, they have the same Greek culture, worshipping the same Greek gods and speaking Greek. Like all Greeks, their people loved to talk and tell stories. Although they fought against each other, their citizens equally had great amounts of pride for their entire country as well as their city-states. The two rivals were both devoted mainly to agriculture and based their wealth, but not their success, on agriculture. Both also participated in the annual Olympics, an ancient Greek national athletic competition which is now a worldwide tradition. These to Greek city-states were the most feared city-states in all of Greece. We will write a custom essay on The Two Faces Of Ancient Greece (Athens Sparta) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Though Athens and Sparta were similar, they were also very different. Athens was the first democracy, and it was also the first to govern with trial by jury. Athens main accomplishment was that it had a very strong Navy. It was the command of the sea and the head of the Naval Alliance, or the Delian League. Athens was the most feared city-state to fight at sea. Its other achievements were that is had excellent forms of art, architecture, drama and literature, philosophy, science, and medicine. It was very wealthy and had beautiful, extravagant temples. The boys of Athens went to school between the ages of five and eighteen, where they learned reading, writing, mathematics, music, poetry, sports and gymnastics. The girls stayed at home and learned spinning, weaving and domestic arts. Athens had well educated men, a good sense of art, and an all-powerful navy. Sparta developed the most powerful military oligarchy of their time. They had a very strong army and were the most feared city-state to fight on land. Sparta was a member of the Peloponnesian League and was the most powerful people in it. Its excellent military conquered many territories, which they controlled with slaves. Spartas sole achievement, other than military supremacy, was that its people possessed a simple life style, with no care for the arts of Athens. When Spartan boys turned seven years old they began training for the military, and they ceased their training at the age of twenty.There was much more gender equality in Sparta than in Athens, and girls went to school where they learned reading, writing, athletics, gymnastics, and survival skills, and they could even join the military. Sparta was militarily supreme over Athens, and it also supported better equality and simplicity of life. Sparta and Athens contrasted greatly in military, art, education, government, and in many other areas. The few similarities they had were mainly based on their countrys rituals and traditions. These rituals and traditions are what the modern world remembers of the Greek culture. Words/ Pages : 541 / 24