Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Comparing Poems Essay
Identity is different for every person, it is what separates us all and makes us unique. Identity can be split into many categories. In the poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’, segregation is used to show us the poets feelings whereas ‘Half-Caste’ is mainly focused on racial equality. Each of the poets structure their poems in ways that express their feelings and ideas about identity; the differences in each vary. ‘Half-Caste’ consists of 4 stanzas, written with a lack of punctuation and in patois dialect that allows the reader the freedom to express the poem in a way that they wish. Also, the haphazard, informal way that the poem is written suggests it should be read aloud. This reflects John Agard’s strive for freedom. The phrase, ‘Explain yuself/wha yu mean/when yu say half-caste’, is a refrain. This refrain is repeated throughout the poem to question the reader. It is an aggressive confrontation between the reader and the poet that elicits an answer from the reader. ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is written formally so that the poet can express a controlled anger. Segregation is used to show the separate identities of blacks and whites. It is set out in 7 stanzas. The formal punctuation and structure is very organised which makes the poem seem like a story. Language is used to a dramatic effect in both poems, it reveals the poet’s ideas about identity. Firstly, in ‘Half-Caste’ there is a pun of the half-caste weather, ‘yu mean when light an shadow/mix in de sky/is a half-caste weather/’, this play on words mocks the phrase ‘half-caste’ which emphasises the poets feelings about a half-caste identity. In ‘Nothing’s Changed’, throughout the first stanza there is a series of onomatopoeias that give the reader the image of a man walking in a baron place. The mood of the poet is very much reflected in the language of ‘Half-Caste’ and portrays the image of anger, confusion and annoyance. An example of this language is: ‘Ah listening to yu wid de keen/half of mih ear†¦why I offer yu half-a-hand’. This gives the reader the representation of a ridiculous happening, which is disrespectful to the opposing person. ‘Nothing’s Changed’ also shares a similar mood of anger and frustration. The poet writes: ‘and the skin about my bones/and the soft labouring of my lungs, /and the hot, white, inwards turning/anger of my eyes.’ This includes within it repetition, powerful, angry words and references to body parts that identify the person’s feeling of a painful anger. The poets use language to reveal their feelings about identity in both similar and different ways. They both project anger and confusion about the attitude of today’s society knowing that equality is not present. In ‘Nothing’s Changed’ the poet writes: ‘Hands burn/for a stone, a bomb, /to shiver down the glass. / Nothing’s Changed.’ This begins with a metaphor; ‘Hands burn’ which shows the person is feeling angry. The words ‘a bomb,/to shiver down the glass.’ Are extremely effective as the glass acts as a symbolic barrier between colours and to ‘shiver down’ this glass would be to break the differences/barriers between people of different colours. The poem ends with ‘Nothing’s Changed’, which basically sums the whole theory up: there always has been and always will be inequality within the world. This is similar to ‘Half-Caste’ because throughout this poem John Agard is saying that people have no respect for each other and never will. He hopes though by saying ‘but yu must come back tomorrow†¦de other half/of my story’ that one day the prejudice might be put aside and people will come back with a better attitude towards each other. The identities that both poets show to reveal their feelings are similar because they both feel as though they have been victimized. The similarity is that in ‘Half-Caste’ the man emphasises his thoughts by expanding things out of proportion to prove a point: ‘Ah listening to yu wid de keen/half of mih ear†¦why I offer yu half-a-hand’, and in ‘Nothing’s Changed’ the person also takes things and changes them into something worse. An example of this is when it says ‘whites only inn/No sign says it is:/but we know where we belong.’ This is saying that the restaurant is only for rich, white people even though he knows there isn’t a sign saying so (He knows that if he goes in he will be laughed at). Both poems are similar also because they are based on black people being discriminated against by white. Both of these poems were very interesting and presented me with a question, which was how could I break down the barriers people have to make them better people? The poem I favoured was ‘Nothing’s Changed’ because it was easier to picture as a story and I feel that the majority of people have felt like an outsider at least once in their life. ‘Half-Caste’ did bring a strong point across but I believe that it was brought across in a bizarre and confusing way whereas ‘Nothing’s Changed ‘ was easier to relate to from a past event.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Renal Cyst Ultrasonic Differential Diagnosis Health And Social Care Essay
With the aid of ultrasonography simple cysts, complex cysts and solid multitudes can be identified. Simple cysts may non necessitate surgical intercession but complex cysts and solid nephritic multitudes should be farther evaluated and decently managed. Nephritic cysts are common nephritic mass. Their frequence addition with age and they are present in half the population above the age of 50. The etiology of nephritic cysts is non known, but it is possible that they form from the epithelial giantism of tubules or roll uping canals, with ensuing distention of the uriniferous tubule. This would explicate why cysts enlarge over clip, and the engagement of next uriniferous tubules might explicate why thin septations develop2. Elkin and Bernstein classified nephritic cysts ; ( 1 ) renal cysts due to dysplasia of the kidney ; ( 2 ) polycystic disease ; ( 3 ) cortical cysts ; ( 4 ) medullary cysts ; ( 5 ) assorted intrarenal cysts ; ( 6 ) extraparenchymal nephritic cysts. Ultrasound standards for the diagnosing of a simple nephritic cyst includes ( 1 ) Spherical or egg-shaped form ; ( 2 ) absence of internal reverberations ; ( 3 ) presence of a thin, smooth wall that is separate from the environing parenchyma ; and ( 4 ) sweetening of the buttocks wall, bespeaking ultrasound transmittal through the water-filled cyst3. The object of survey was to observe the supersonic differential diagnosing of nephritic cysts, because echography is a uniquely safe and non-invasive agencies of imaging internal anatomy. Nephritic cysts are common incidental findings on echography but may besides organize portion of specific disease procedure. Differentiation of the forms of the cystic disease is necessary for diagnosis4.Patients AND METHODS:The survey was conducted between January 2007 to April 2008 at the section of Radiology and Urology, Chandka Medical College Hospital, Larkana. 100 ( Symptomatic or Asymptomatic ) patients of either sex with nephritic cysts who were detected on echography were included in the survey. Along with history, physical scrutiny nephritic echography was performed to see the site, size and figure of cysts. A nephritic ultrasound is a radiological survey of the kidneys that can look at the kidneys in cross subdivision. Position of the patient for right kidney scanning supine, left posterior oblique, left sidelong decubitus, and prone as needed. For left kidney scanning right sidelong decubitus, prone as needed. Different patient places were used whenever the suggested place does non give the coveted consequences. Just Vision 400 ultrasound machine by Toshiba with 3.5 MHz convex ( multi frequence ) investigation was used for kidneys scrutiny. No readying was required for ultrasound scrutiny.Consequence:From January 2007 to April 2008, hundred patients were included in the survey. 72 were males and 28 were females. Male to female ratio was 2.5:1. Age ranges were between 1-100 old ages ( Table-1 ) . Of the one hundred patients 40 presented with symptoms but 60s were symptomless. Among 40 diagnostic patients the most clinical presentation associated with nephritic cyst in this survey was di abetes mellitus 10 ( 25 % ) and abdominal hurting 7 ( 17.5 % ) ( Table-2 ) . Among 100 patients differential diagnosing of nephritic cyst in 89 ( 89 % ) patient simple nephritic cysts were detected, hydronephrosis in 7 ( 7 % ) , medical nephritic disease in 2 ( 2 % ) , polycystic disease in 1 ( 1 % ) , haematoma in 1 ( 1 % ) were observed ( Table-3 ) . Of the 89 patients of simple nephritic cysts 57 ( 64 % ) were cortical cysts, 4 ( 4.5 % ) medullary cysts, 22 ( 25 % ) parenchymal cysts, 4 ( 4.5 % ) Para pelvic cysts, 2 ( 2.2 % ) extra parenchymal cysts. Different sizes of simple nephritic cysts were measured ranged from 1mm to 100 millimeters, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 01-10 ) millimeter, 25 ( 28.40 % ) steps ( 10-20 ) millimeter, 11 ( 12.50 % ) steps ( 20-30 ) millimeter, 27 ( 30.33 % ) steps ( 30-40 ) millimeter, 9 ( 10.22 % ) steps ( 40-50 ) millimeter, 5 ( 05.28 % ) steps ( 50-60 ) millimeter, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 90-100 ) millimeter and 6 ( 06.81 % ) measures variable sizes. ( Fig: ) . Cystic standards were besides assessed through 89 patients. Along this series the most frequent type of loculation in assorted nephritic cyst was uniloculated 87 ( 98 % ) and 2 ( 2 % ) were biloculated. 91 ( 91 % ) instances presented as one-sided simple nephritic cyst, 9 ( 9 % ) instances as bilateral simple nephritic cyst and multiple cysts nine in figure. Internal echogenisity of simple nephritic cyst in this survey revealed there were 100 ( 100 % ) takes all features of simple nephritic cyst anechoic or echo-free with absence of internal reverberations. In 89 patients of simple nephritic cysts concomitant sonographic abnormalcies were detected. Fatty liver were the most common accompaniment with simple nephritic cyst during this survey ( 4 Patients ) . There was one instance showed benign prostate. Others each instance for nephritic rock, pleural gush, enlarged prostate secretory organ, nephritic expansion, cut down kidney size, ectopic kidney, nephritic organ transpla nt and angiomyolipoma ( Table-4 ) .Discussion:This survey was carried out on 100 patients in whom nephritic cysts were identified sonographically, 72 % were male patients and 28 % were females. So males were more affected in our survey than females. Previous survey by Hanna et Al confirmed that, the distribution is equal between males and females5. In our series 89 % of instances were diagnosed as simple nephritic cyst which represent the most common differential diagnosing of nephritic cysts followed by, 7 % hydronephrosis, 2 % medical nephritic disease, 1 % polycystic kidney disease, 1 % haematoma. There was no instance presented with nephritic dysplasia. .Study by Yamagishi et Al confirmed that, thorough reappraisal of household history can besides add valuable information. Differential diagnosing should include multicystic and polycystic kidney disease and structural anomalousnesss such as duplicate and calyceal diverticula, tumour, abscess and haematoma may be considered, but t hey most probably will hold internal reverberations. Although nephritic cysts can be seen in chromosomal abnormalcies, there are normally other anomalousnesss present6. When cystic lesion is seen in the upper pole, an adrenal beginning must besides be considered. Finally, a cystic teratoma of the retro peritoneum can be considered. The youngest patient was 3 old ages old male child with mean size of left kidney showed mild back force per unit area alteration with good parenchymal thickness, dilated nephritic pelvic girdle and ureter down to bladder. Umbilical hernia noted with defect at anterior abdominal wall steps ( 7mm ) with enteric cringles seen go throughing through. The eldest patient was 95 old ages old male with bilateral simple parenchymal cyst. The highest incidence of simple nephritic cyst in 6th and 7th decennaries of life. While the lowest incidence in 1st and 2nd decennaries. Previous surveies confirmed that, the pathogenesis of nephritic cyst is non wholly known. Because of increasing frequence of nephritic cysts with age ( they are found in over 50 % of people over 50 old ages of age ) . It has been suggested that cyst formation is acquired- a consequence of the aging process5,7. Another theory suggests that cysts are developmental in beginning. During nephritic organogenesis, the 2nd to 4th coevals of uriniferous tubules, ensuing in cyst formation 8. Among 40 diagnostic patients the most clinical presentation associated with nephritic cyst in this survey was diabetes mellitus 10 ( 25 % ) and abdominal hurting 7 ( 17.5 % ) they were more often associated with simple cyst, there were 60 patients symptomless normally associated with nephritic cysts. Previous surveies confirmed that, highlight a figure of facets refering to simple nephritic cysts. First, most instances are symptomless and are best treated cautiously by regular ultrasound follow up. Last, as the natural history of simple cyst is non known, long- term sonographic followup is recommended ; simple cysts can be the initial manifestation of autosomal dominant polycystic disease in a child9,10. Sonographic rating of nephritic cyst revealed that simple visual aspects were most normally seen in nephritic cysts and limited polycystic disease and haematoma. Along this series among 89 patients of simple nephritic cysts the most frequent type of loculation in assorted nephritic cyst was uniloculated 87 ( 98 % ) and 2 ( 2 % ) were biloculated. The major sonographic findings of wall thickness and regularity were thin and regular walls, that more presented in nephritic cysts. There were ( 57 of 89 ) were cortical cyst, ( 22 of 89 ) were parenchymal cyst, ( 4 of 89 ) were medullary cyst, ( 4 of 89 ) were parapelvic cyst and ( 2 of 89 ) were extraparenchymal cyst. Previous survey confirmed that, the upper pole is the most common site5. Normally the cysts are lone but may be multiple. As was seen in this survey, 91 ( 91 % ) instances presented as one-sided simple nephritic cyst, 9 ( 9 % ) instances as bilateral simple nephritic cyst and multiple cyst nine in figure. Previous survey confirmed that, the distribution is equal between right and left kidneys5. Internal echogenisity of simple nephritic cyst in this survey revealed there were ( 100 % ) takes all features of simple nephritic cyst anechoic or echo-free with absence of internal reverberations. Previous survey confirmed that, many incidental nephritic multitudes are discovered on abdominal ultrasound examinations11. When the ultrasound standards for a simple cyst are met, the likeliness of malignance is highly little. Asymptomatic patients with incidental nephritic cysts that meet these standards require no extra rating. Fatty liver were the most common accompaniment with simple nephritic cyst during this survey ( 4 Patients ) . There was one instance showed benign prostate. Others each instance for nephritic rock, pleural gush, enlarged prostate secretory organ, nephritic expansion, cut down kidney size, ectopic kidney, nephritic organ transplant and angiomyolipoma. Fatty liver were the more frequent attendant disease in association with simple nephritic cyst were detected as an incidental sonographic happening during this survey. Previous survey confirmed that, simple nephritic cyst has controversy related to high blood pressure and nephritic disfunction. There was ( 6 of 40 ) ( 15 % ) high blood pressure patients during this survey. Different sizes of 89 simple nephritic cysts were measured, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 01-10 ) millimeter, 25 ( 28.40 % ) steps ( 10-20 ) millimeter, 11 ( 12.50 % ) steps ( 20-30 ) millimeter, 27 ( 30.33 % ) steps ( 30-40 ) millimeter, 9 ( 10.22 % ) steps ( 40-50 ) millimeter, 5 ( 05.28 % ) steps ( 50-60 ) millimeter, 3 ( 03.40 % ) steps ( 90-100 ) millimeter and 6 ( 06.81 % ) measures variable sizes. Pervious survey confirmed that size scope from really little to really big in diameter. By and large ultrasound detected all nephritic cysts, while CT scan used to corroborate the diagnosing and picked up of peripherally located and cystic multitudes. Two instances were aspirated under ultrasound counsel, were clear fluid.Decision:The most common differential diagnosing of nephritic cyst is simple cortical nephritic cyst with highest incidence in 6th and 7th decennaries of life. The least common is polycystic kidney disease or haematoma. Out of this survey we believe more that ultrasound is the individual cost effectual mean in sensing of nephritic cyst.
Honor Killing
I believe that the murder of Desdemona was an honor killing. Othello thought that Desdemona brought him dishonor and gave him a bad reputation. While Othello was manipulated into murdering Desdemona, he was the one that had the physical choice. Iago constantly agreed with Othello, saying that Othello should kill Desdemona. This influenced Othello’s decision, but it was ultimately Othello that chose why he should or shouldn’t kill Desdemona. His choice was based off of his own reputation. He loved Desdemona, but after one rumor he decided to murder her because of what others would think.He believes â€Å"she must die, else she’ll betray more men†[V, ii, 6] and he later admits that he is â€Å"almost persuade[d] justice to break her sword†[V, ii, 16-17]. He tells Desdemona to â€Å"think on [her] sins†, trying to get her to realize that he would kill her for having an affair [V, ii, 43]. When he thought to kill Cassio, however, he was seeking revenge. He asked Iago, â€Å"how shall I murder him†[IV, i, 136]. It is more contemplated and decided than Desdemona. The contrasts between his thoughts on the two were considerable. Othello’s immediate thought about Cassio was â€Å"kill him†but he was more torn up about Desdemona.When explaining why he killed her to Emilia, he said â€Å"she turn'd to folly, and she was a whore†[V, iii, 146]. He didn’t care to listen to Desdemona. Othello killed her because he thought there was no other way to repair his reputation. He couldn’t live with the shame of an unfaithful wife. It was his honor versus his love, and he chose honor. This turns out to be the main theme of the story. If reputation were not a factor, Desdemona would not be dead. In the end of Othello, reputation trumps all else. Othello killed Desdemona out of shame, making the murder an honor killing.
Monday, July 29, 2019
HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
HR - Essay Example Values are a core element of culture (Hofstede, 2001, p. 10). Values can be personal, social political, religious and professional, as well as scientific and characteristic of a particular academic discipline(Becher & Trowler, 2001; Van Hout, 1996, Smart et al., 2000). According to Kleijnen et. al 2009, there are four models of organisational values: HR, OS, RG and IP. These four organisational values are moderately experienced in practice. The mean scores of the current values are closely clustered near the neutral level. There are, however, clear differences as to the desirability of the four values. Organisational values not only vary per department but also per discipline. However, in the current study it was not possible to investigate reliably the differences between disciplines or sectors because of the low numbers of departments for some of the disciplines According to Robbins (2011), there are two separate sets of values. One set is called terminal values and this includes a comfortable life, an exciting life, wisdom and pleasure. This set refers to desirable end-states. These are the goals a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime. The other set, which is called instrumental values, refers to preferable modes of behaviour while achieving the terminal values. It includes ambitious, broad-minded, cheerful, clean, helpful and polite. Values strongly influence a person’s attitude, behaviour and perception. It is important to consider also the value ranking of executives and union members and their activities. An executive needs terminal values, for example self-respect, family security, freedom, a sense of accomplishment and happiness. In the instrumental set an executive needs honesty, responsibility, capability, ambition and independence. Union members have as terminal needs family security, freedom, happiness, self-respect and mature love. The last is important because it is a prerequisite for need equality, a world
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Infromation Systems for Healthcare Management - Technology Role in Essay
Infromation Systems for Healthcare Management - Technology Role in Healthcare - Essay Example Technological advancements continue to climb, as the new generation i.e. youth shows curiosity in grabbing and exploring these new technologies for a new and bright future prospect. The current trend is leading information technology towards an essential skill that will make itself similar to writing, reading and the new skill called as ‘computing’ (CEO's guide to health care information systems.1997). The trend is affecting all sectors including the health care. As healthcare facilities are now equipped with integrated health care information systems including application software, network and data communications, access and data management, information processing, Wide Area Network, Local Area Network and Clinical decision support systems. Moreover, there are other network components including switches, bridges, hubs and routers. Before incorporating a network, system architecture is essential, as it will define the nature of data communication i.e. client / server arc hitecture or mainframe architecture. The second key consideration is the legacy system sustainability and integration. For instance, there are old systems that that cannot be removed instantly instead; data can be migrated gradually to the new systems, while the old system must also be operational. The third key consideration is the central data repository (CDR), as healthcare information systems interact with CDR to extract patient records, it will not be possible to replace the CDR completely (Clinical information systems for integrated healthcare networks). In order to integrate all the remote medical facilities, client/server architecture is the best option. The client/server architecture will incorporate a centralized interface engine connected to a central data repository. The implementation will be conducted on the nearest centralized medical facility. The computer network installation of client/server architecture will incorporate switches, bridges, hubs and routers. However , in order to make a centralized network operational, LAN architecture installation is required for each location. The installation includes CAT 5 cables, the quantity of a network switch depends on how many users needs access to the system. Moreover, Wide Area Network (WAN) device, which will connect each location. WAN is defined by network dictionary as â€Å"A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network covering multiple distance areas, which may spread across the entire world. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks (LANs) or metro area networks (MANs).†However, bandwidth requirements vary and depend on the core healthcare application. The legacy system integration in terms of organizing data is essential, as these systems do not share data with other sites. The solution for this issue is to collect the data in a portable device and store it in a central data repository (Clinical information systems for integrated healthcare networks). In order to integrate legacy systems on the new LAN architecture, an Ethernet card and system software installation is required. However, the installation process is not time consuming. The central data repository is a centralized location on the network. In order to connect each medical facility with the CDR, network connectivity is vital. If any of the workstation disconnect, the required data cannot be achieved. As previously, employees do not face such issues due to data availability on
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Discourse Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Discourse Analysis - Essay Example According to (Burr, 2015), if discourses regulate our common understanding of things and events and if these shared understanding inform our social practices, then, it becomes clear that there is an intimate relationship between discourse, knowledge and power. In this article, it is attempted to identify the main discourses from the text ‘what really motivates employees’ and discuss the alternative ways through which the information could have been presented or list the alternative discourses and explain how it can change the level of understanding. Discourse is defined as the way of talking about and conceptualising an issue which is presented through various concepts, vocabulary and ideas that recur in texts (Bratton, 2015). In this text, the factors that motivate the employees are identified elaborately. An organization functions efficiently and smoothly when the recruited employees are well motivated, because motivation, both in the form of monetary and non-monetary terms encourages the employees to perform or deliver to their highest potential. Scope for the application of creativity plays a significant role in motivating the employees. Restricting rewards in terms of monetary benefits removes the interesting or the challenging factor out of a job. Enforcing too many rules, regulations and laws and making the organizational processes too formal often leads to conflict between the management and employees. Working under trustworthy leadership is enjoyed by the employees. Trust is an important motivational tool and the leadership that has shown more transparency with their employees have achieved overwhelming results (Bruce and Pepitone, 1999). Motivational factors for the employees who are engaged in routine work and the employees working at higher corporate levels cannot be same. The carrot and stick method of motivation cannot be applied uniformly to all levels of the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Moral Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Moral Statements - Essay Example To support this argument on proper grounds, we must understand that realism basically rests on the premise that concreteness of objects as they appear is separate in function from the way these same objects enter perception. Anti-realism or idealism may hold true assuming that moral realists make no adequate plausibility of accounts during the process of formulating truths and that commonsense intuitions are generally proposed to agree with moral realism. By experience, commonsense intuitions are partly concrete and partly abstract since it can only be admitted as useful by an individual who has encountered tangibility of a case or matter on a regular basis, yet, because there emerges quite a number of uncertainties over time, making such case or matter seem to acquire properties that bear new or different impressions, the real portion is rather evaluated by the realms of the unreal. This is to demonstrate that the loss or decrease of logical grounds in establishing the truth is brou ght about by changes in the literal truth as well as the nature of its presence after the apparent sight and sense of reality. Naturally, it is the reality that gives shape to truth and our experience of reality under frequent terms enables us to decide about the truth in its degree of completeness. To this point, it turns out that commonsense intuitions are able to cover and justify both positions of moral realists and moral anti-realists who each have the capacity to form and distinguish between views according to how reality is confronted by their principles of living. Commonsense on measuring truth in matter is primarily earned by constant engagement with the physical object which realism may eventually treat as valid. On intuiting with commonsense, however, part of looking at the object as real may be deducted from the cognitive process of placing more subjective effort on understanding its existence in truth so that this becomes reasonable. This is in the context of idealists who prefer to determine truth by a higher form of resolution in addition to the use of sense perceptions especially in the absence of sufficient pragmatic evidence. For this situation to yield an interesting consequence, feelings and sensations ought to accumulate in a fashion, which upon combination with a more profound philosophical thought or movement would proceed to lay foundations of truth bound to remain constant despite constraints of time and evolution. In the light of realism, experience occurs to be a sphere in which sensations and feelings are spontaneously taught to be learned so as to realize truth. Feelings and sensations, nevertheless, are an outcome of interactions or responses to stimuli that are exchanged within human population based on significant events that involve objective concerns either seen or felt. Rationalizing around this stage, it then makes ample sense to argue that emotional or sensational impact can possibly bring truth to solid creation. If by any chance this arrives instead at a complicated discourse of having to present the substance of ethical realism and of moral anti-realism in scrutinizing detail, the endeavor should necessitate relevant theories by Descartes and Hume whose respective concepts regarding rationalism and empiricism can be utilized to settle conflicts on proving which set of beliefs is greatly responsible for the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Week 4 Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Week 4 Journal - Essay Example ime when students from families which are above average cannot afford to have all the required for their courses and every student has to either borrow the book from a friend or from some library in order to get necessary information for their required project or course. Apart from students getting into a psychological state of inferiority, lack of proper textbooks has been shown to affect student’s grades as well. When students won’t get the required information from an authentic source, their lack of knowledge is definitely going to affect them in their studies. Measures should be taken to provide the students with their textbooks free of cost or if not possible, at a cost which is affordable to them since the prices of these books has rocketed high in the sky in the last 10-12 years. "College textbook sticker shock causes students to leave books on the shelves." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.
Production and Operations Management Assignment - 2
Production and Operations Management - Assignment Example This assignment describes the corporation, that has developed its network in their most important inter-related activities, that include crude oil imports, refining, marketing and transportation to terminals. Eventually, Marathon Oil Corporation started to develop their own convenience stores and gas stations. This assignment focuses on answering 4 questions on production and operations managment. The first answer given contains information on analyzing Marathon’s Oil Corporation product process and determining which phase is open to the greatest number of efficiency improvements, that could be done. Second answers focuses on discussing the relationship between the retail price of gasoline and the world demand for crude oil. Third answer explains what Marathon Oil Corporation could do to keep the price at the pump. The last answer given in the assignment researches and describes an impact of a continued moratorium on deep-water drilling for retail gas prices in the U.S, that was established in June 2010 by President Obama. The most important function of production and operations management are also discussed in this assignment. These are managing the production process in way that reduces the lead time, minimizing the wastage of resources and ensuring continuity of operations. The assignmnet also researches chain management of US oil and gas industry, transportation terms and issues, transfering the finished products and ways to accelerate the process of crude oil transportation through pipelines.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Theory of Music Universality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Theory of Music Universality - Essay Example Its ability to communicate has been as revered as it has been suspect, and its rich social and ritualistic associations have added layers of meanings that can only be expressed in musical terms, and not in terms of words or images. Aaron Copland in his "How We Listen" says that music can be listened to and enjoyed in three different planes: the sensual, the expressive and the solely musical. The listening experience for a particular piece of music is evaluated on all these planes simultaneously, but to understand the effects of music it is necessary that we at least outline these levels separately. The sensual plane is the absorption of the sheer pleasure that music affords, the elevated mood it evokes, and the escape from the mundanities of life it makes possible. The expressive plane, on the other hand, talks to the listener, but does not have a concrete message to convey, it conveys broad senses of emotion: "..... serenity or exuberance, regret or triumph, fury or delight. It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences. It may even express a state of meaning for which there exists no adequate word in any language".The third plane is where the listener is aware of the musical form, where the harmony, the melody, the rhythm, and the tonal color are consciously appreciated: the listener knows about the notes and the structure of the written music, the composer's style and thought process and can evaluate the rendition of all this by the performers. All theories of music through time have talked about the sensual, expressive or the solely musical planes in one way or the other. To understand how the perceptions on music have changed down the years, we need to examine the various thought processes of philosophers, and the conclusions they arrived at, tracing a historical outline from the Greek times, to the Baroque era and down to the present. Not much factual evidence of Greek music has survived, but an understanding of the ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and his student Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plotinus go a long way in answering a lot of queries on the views held about music in those times. Of note is the fact that music then was more of a part of people's lives than it is today, and hence the comments made by the thinkers of those times have to be understood in the appropriate context. For all our musical and philosophical sophistication, it seems that the Greeks 'lived' their music far more deeply than we do ours. Difficult though it may be for us to think of music as the kind of thing capable of revealing important fundamental truths about the world, for the ancient Greeks there seems to have been little doubt. And for good reason: their world was, after all, a fundamentally musical one. (Bowman, 1998)
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Public Attitudes to Youth Crime Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Public Attitudes to Youth Crime - Case Study Example The report involved applying a qualitative approach to research in which 125 participants were engaged; of which 68 were female while 57 were male. All the participants were between 18 and 76 years of age. A focus group methodology was then applied to analyzing the diversity and range of community attitudes towards youth perpetrated crime, and the reasons underlying the presented views. The article identified youth delinquency and antisocial behavior as a major source of concern and contributor to local crime statistics. Youth groups that often hang around neighborhoods and public spaces are described as intimidating presences that start out being moderately petty annoyances and disruptive in behavior, before moving on to behavior that could be intentionally intimidating and offensive, before graduating to committing outright violence. Antisocial behavior was also presented when the youth engaged in vandalism, damaged cars, smashed windows and place graffiti on public spaces. The art icle further argues that the local community had failed on curtailing youth delinquency and antisocial behavior, by failing to discipline the youth they condoned the behavior and allowed the youth to graduate into worse forms of delinquency. The local community and parents were not the only groups’ assigned blame for youth delinquency and antisocial behavior, the weak and ineffectual criminal justice system was also assigned blame. Poor parenting and the diminished sense of community were specifically identified as the major factors that allowed the youth to grow up without the understanding that their actions had consequences or respect for authority.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Filipino Woman in the Biography by Lucy Komisar Essay Example for Free
Filipino Woman in the Biography by Lucy Komisar Essay Literature is any form of expressing human’s simple to complex experiences that blend, combined and applied into words, well-chosen and arranged. It is full of thoughts, feelings, dreams, sorrows, aspirations and grief of human expressions in every harmonious way of expressions. It is a choice, choice of expressing everything without the hesitation from any hindrances. It is just like entering into a voyage, not to find good fortune but to have pleasure and satisfaction. It can be compared to choice of writing. Humans are writing not because of compliance but because they want to express something for the sake of self- satisfaction. They are not reading because they want to learn a lot but because to feel enjoyment while reading. It is not like going abroad for good but because of the experience. Through literature, people confide on to, talk to, rely on and can be the source of every emotion that they have to feel, feelings that distinguishes the level of their personality that evokes their admirations. It is believed that the social and sexual conditions of women essentially embody their nature that the manner they are treated in society is congruent with what they really are. Thus, women’s social environment, can be generally described as subordinate to men, sexually colonized in the system of dominance, submission and denied rights and the basis of sex, historically chattel, basically considered biologically inferior confined to sex and reproduction. For most part of society and across time and space, man dominates the upper level of political, economical and social power while women are rarely or only partially included. The worth of men is generally more valued than that of women and is usually more compensated. Men are typically more valued in themselves as person, a fact often expressed in social customs, rights and laws. In fact, in almost every culture, the tools and conditions necessary for analysis, the means of communications and the forms of legitimating of knowl edge have been jealously and effectively kept from women. Today, Filipino women are no longer confined to the manual task of household chores but their full potentials, talents and innovativeness are explored and utilized. The power of women is such a huge and limitless tool of intellectual resource, a very vital factor behind a nation’s growth and development. Empowering the women at home, in the community, in work, in every aspect of society would mean empowering the other half of every aspects of nation’s human resource. At present, the Filipino women are already leaders in their own rights. They occupy high positions in the society. As they are free, they are also able to participate in social, economic and political activities. They command the respect of men – rights denied to them with the introduction of the Spanish culture in the country. After, nearly four hundred years after the Spaniards conquest of the Philippines, the Filipino woman has come full circle. She is now able to cooperate more effectively with men with the realization of common aspirationsâ€â€a better world to live in, governed by the principles of justice and good will. Many writers have been supporters of Cory. They have produced books and a journal containing Cory’s life and Lucy Komisar is one of them. Lucy Komisar is a free-lance journalist, whose articles and analysis of foreign affairs have appeared in the wide variety of publications, including the â€Å"New York Times, the Washington Past, the Christian Science Monitor, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Miami Herald, News day and the Toronto Star, among many others. She is the authors of two books; â€Å"Down and Out in the USA: a history of Public Welfare and the New Feminism and has lectured at universities through out the country. She a member of the executive board of PEN, American Center, a past National Vice President of the National Organization for Women (NOW). She reported from the Philippines during the election campaign and peaceful revolution only in 1986 and returned recently to write the biography of Cory Aquino. The book â€Å"Corazon Aquino: the Story of Revolution†, is the first biography essay of Corazon Aquino by Lucy Komisar. The book traces her life from the childhood in the wealthy family in the Philippines, her marriage to Benigno and her life in exile, a dramatic revolution that install her as President. It also describes the evolution of her life as political leader as she began putting a government together and taking on political and economic problems that face her country. A timely and evocative book, Corazon Aquino is moving portrait of a woman who demonstrates a new kind of heroism. Indeed, there is no doubt that Komisar is one of the writers and journalists who believes in the proper rights of women exercised in the society. The researchers believed that the writer, though an American journalist and writer has a big concern in the status of women in the society. Thus, the thorough analysis of Lucy Komisar’s biography â€Å"Corazon Aquino: the Story of Revolution†vividly reflect the personalities of the former president Corazon Aquino and the women’s rights that rarely Filipino women exercised. Theoretical Framework The study is anchored on the general view of women’s right as well as human’s right. According to Legazpi (1998), the 1987 Constitution declares that â€Å"the state shall value the dignity of every person and guarantee full respect for human rights.†Enshrined therein, as a state policy is the recognition of the role of women in nation building and fundamental equality before the law of men and women. Within this framework, guaranteed respect of their personal dignity and human rights and equal treatment in all aspects of life is presented. The Constitutional Acknowledgment of Women’ rights are reiterated in numerous statutory enactments and relating to such subjects as civil relations, family rights and labor conditions. Various internal instruments to which the Philippines are the signatory signify and reinforce the state’s commitments towards upholding these rights. With particular focus on the character of Corazon Aquino as a Filipino woman, the researchers gave much attention on how the former president exercised her rights on every character and how she gained recognition from these characters. Meanwhile, through the application of formalistic approach of literary analysis, the writer’s point of view in his essays such as styles, purpose and theme were studied. Statement of the Problem The study discusses the Character of Corazon Aquino as a Filipino Woman in the biography by Lucy Komisar. Specifically, this study answers the following questions: 1. What are the events that project the character of the First Female President? 2. How does Corazon Aquino show the character as a Filipino Woman in the following personalities: 2.1Wife and Mother, 2.2 Widow, 2.3 Leader? 3. How do the author reveal the character of Corazon Aquino in relation to: 3.1Style, 3.2Purpose, 3.3Theme? 4. What implications of the essays are portrayed to uphold women’s right? Scope and Limitations The study focuses on the Character of Corazon Aquino as a Filipino Woman in the biography by Lucy Komisar. In the study, the researchers gathered the events that project the character of the First Female President. It also analyzes how the late president shows her character as a leader, wife, and widow that makes her a strong and powerful president. The style, purpose and theme are also analyzed The study is significantly devoted to the evaluation, analysis and interpretation of the biography written by Lucy Komisar, â€Å"Corazon Aquino: the Story of Revolution†. Significance of the Study The study on the Character of Corazon Aquino as a Filipino Woman in the biography written by Lucy Komisar, â€Å"Corazon Aquino: the Story of Revolution†is important in providing greater understanding and insights about the social issues in the society. Nevertheless, for those who specialize in English, the study could serve as a literary drill so that they may engage into critical analysis and interpretation and in the process that understand their value and significance. With the dynamism of education, the teaching approaches, instructional materials, references should conform to the changing times of our societal history. In this regard, the study can be used as a reference and instructional materials or tool in teaching the life of Corazon Aquino. For the teachers of literature, the study can help them generate insights on how students will be directed and/ or guided in dealing with and analyzing literary works. Likewise, the study may also enlighten the Filipino women especially of the contemporary times with regards to their rights and their roles as individuals, and as members of the society. For future researchers, the study may help them bring about the techniques, treatment and approaches in analyzing literary works. The study may also be used as a reference in sociology. It may help the readers understand the nature of the Filipino woman and her complexities. Most of all, the study may serve as a significant indication on the life of Corazon Aquino and the Filipino woman that can set a great pattern for the rights of women. Definition of Terms For the purpose of clear and consistency of terms used in the study, the following terms are hereby defined: Character – combination of qualities that distinguishes as individual person. In the research, it refers to the personality of Corazon Aquino as a wife, widow and leader. Civil Law – refers to the body of customs or practices applicable to specific group of community. It is the kind of law that the Corazon government exercise during her term. Concepts – it is the general idea toward a thing of universal specially, an abstract one. These are the ideas about the character of Corazon Aquino as Filipino Woman. Criticism – it is an intelligent appreciation of any work of art. It is the process of studying the literary piece in the present study. Descriptive Research – type of research that requires a detailed analysis of various aspects and phenomena and their interrelationship. It is the kind of research that researchers used in the present study . Historical Research – the systematic collection and evaluation of data to describe explain and thereby understand actions or event that occurred in the past. It is the basis of the researchers to present study, to collect data and references about the life of Cory Aquino. Liberalism – a doctrine of constitutional promulgation that presents liberty and freedom leaned on the consumption that liberty is natural right and that all over are born free. It is the vision of Corazon Aquino to the Filipino women during her presidency. Maidens of Antiquity – they are women who are perceived to play the traditional child hearing and house keeping. It is the kind of Filipino women that Corazon Aquino wants for a change. Silent Dictatorship – this relates to the characteristics of unobtrusive women over the household, personally take care of everything and have the power over all action and decision of a household. It is the relationship of husband and wife. The wife took all the responsibility and household chores while the husband holds the power. Social Liberation – refers to the ideology that women are capable of fuller and more positive involvement in the growth of the society in which they are apart of advocates, the woman should be viewed as valuable human resources of every fact of natural and international life. It is the organizations that builds women as part of the society and play a crucial role. Women are the center of society and highly regarded. Style – the manner of writing or composing piece with passion or elegance. It is the manner on how the author writes the essay in formal form. Personality – excellence or distinction of social and personal traits. It refers to the characteristics of Aquino as a Filipino woman and all women in the society. Purpose – the aim of an essay which is intended to deliver to the reader him/herself. It refers to the goal of the author on how to show the character of Corazon Aquino in the essays. Presidency – the office, dignity, terms, jurisdiction or residence of a President. It is the position Corazon Aquino holds after the EDSA revolution of 1986 over Marcos’ government. Theme – an idea or motive in a work which may be varied or developed. It is the basis of the topic or concept in the present study. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature and study of the research. Related Literature Foreign Literature During the time of Roman republic, women are underestimated by men. In the women’s lifetime, they have to obey their husbands as well as their father. Women are to take care of their guardian. Roman women are typically married off by the age of eighteen. After marriage, women cannot claim rights in her husband’s property and can not appeal in court. But the law has changed, wherein woman becomes powerful in terms of rights and can inherit the property whenever their husband dies. Some women in the elite class become powerful because of their richness, power through marriage and their adulterous. (Russel, 1996) Before, women were not allowed to vote, to be part of the public and political life and even going out without covering everything except their eyes. In other countries, they were not allowed to drink alcohol and if they were caught, they would be punished severely or punished to death. Women have played different role in different society and in different times. In matriarchal society, women are more powerful than men. In paternal society, men are everything to women. Women and men have the same right. Men occupy the position as the group leader more often than women, but old women assume such roles. Women are now working industriously and earn money to support their family. They work hard as men, but they do not get some respect and salary as men. Women have been tired and worked hard to gain some rights as men. (www.women @society.htm, 2008) It has been clear over the last half of the century that women have made the great strides and effort to achieve equality in all areas of society. It might be able to shed some lights as to where our society is going in regard to women in elected office. One will surely think that men are the ones against women in politics; in fact, in the beginning, men are the ones who vote before a woman president, before the women can. The same instance holds for the amount of people who believe that women are not suited for politics. The religious and non- religious sects are expecting more liberal views about women in politics as time passes. But people have believed that women have the right to be representatives in politics. The trends that people see bring up the problem in our society. Yes, it is true that men and women, the religious and non religious, all feed that women have place in the politics but still lack in equality as to the number of offices that women hold. In order for a change to be made, women must have the courage and belief that they are just as qualified to be in politics and must be extremely aggressive in their action. ([emailprotected]\html, 2008) Frummer (1981), states that critical essay helps reader understand a subject. To be critical means to be keen in every detail of the research a person is studying. Its Greek root means â€Å"to separate, discern or choose†; thus the critical essay attempts to enhance the reader’s understanding of subjects by analyzing different p arts and interpreting its meaning. It may deal with any subject worthy of serious study like a painting, a film, a social movement. In most writing classes, however, the critical essay assignment focuses in literature although similar procedures are followed in writing other essays. The success of the critical essays depends on another process- the informed reading of another imaginative literature. According to Harmon (1992), the essay is divided into two: the formal essay and the non formal essay. Formal essay is diversified in form, spirit and length. At one extreme, it is represented by brief, serious magazine article and at the other by the scientific and philosophical treatises like books rather than essays. The technique of the formal essay is now practically identical with that of all factual or theoretical prose in which literary effect is secondary. The informal essay, on the other hand, has its beginning in aphoustic and moralistic writing, animated by the infection of the personal, broadened and lightened by a free treatment of human manners, controlled somewhat by the limitations of periodical publications has developed into a recognizable genre, the first purpose which is to entertain. Stanford (1999) suggests that when responding to an essay one should consider its central purpose. An essay may make significant comparisons or contrasts; it may explain the reasons of an occurrence or explore the effects of a particular event or action. Some essays contemplate or speculate on an idea, exploring many possibilities without insisting on one final conclusion; many other essays, in one way or another argue for or against a point of view, a solution to a problem or a new way of thinking about the word. Whatever the essay’s purpose, a reader should look carefully at the writer’s choice of words as well as the way he or she structures both the essay itself and its sentences and paragraph. Local Literature The highly personalized word of action in an impediment to the development of a wider, institutional sphere is based on abstraction such as â€Å"the rule of the law†and â€Å"the common good†. It may be assumed that this has much to do with the central position of the mother in the Filipino household and all the burdens that it entails. This position becomes the ideological pivot that places women apart from men. The purity of women symbolizes the wholeness of the home. As a superego representative, the term â€Å"Mother†remains the primary embodiment of conscience. In extending and symbolizing warmth and goodness, the female as a wife and mother should love, that is forgiving: she should be gentle and compassionate with those who morally depend on her. (Mulder, 1997) According to the Asian Development Bank (2002), the major constraints affecting the sociological status of Filipino women are very often quite separate from the substantive nature of law itself. Even in countries where women’s right are fully guaranteed in law, the actual implementation and protection of those rights are often compromised by a complex system of practices based on historical, cultural, linguistic, religious, political and other traditions. In many cases, the factor giving rise to the discrimination is many deep-rooted and relate to non legal or paralegal issues. During the period of revolution, the aim of Katipunan was to work for the independence of the Philippines. Besides the pursuit of this aim, there was valuable reaching which the manners were strictly required to follow. Respect for womanhood was the moral qualification of an applicant before she could be accepted as a member. The observer of the article referring to woman was strictly demanded during the early days of the association. There were not a few in who was expelled because of failure to live up to teachings of the organizations. (Kintanar, 1996) Among all the domains in which the Fili pino woman participates, it is perhaps in the home where she enjoys the highest status. When women themselves strongly believe that their place is at home, they become household centered. The wife’s work is to be a loving and loyal mate to her husband. She is responsible for keeping the marriage intact by means of her patience, hard work, submissiveness, and virtue. A mother must attend to her children’s needs such as meals, health, clothing, school needs and moral and religious development. She remains a good household manager and puts her own welfare before that of her husband and children. The recent upsurge of interest in advancing the development of women and increasing their participation in community affairs has also resulted in a realization that they can and should become effective partners of men in development endeavors. Women are therefore urge to refrain from confining themselves to the home and household work their social, economic, political and religious endeavors altered to. (Torres, 1995) Cory Aquino has already earned a unique place in t he history. In the world dominated by men in action, she is a rarity by virtue of her sex; in a political world, where man assumed power through the traditional electoral process or violence, she became the nation’s President through circumstances without any known precedent. As a family member, she is a very clear about her likes and dislikes. She has never been neutral. She tries to do it in a nice way but she makes it very clear that, for example, â€Å"I’m sorry, I can’t support you†. As a mother, she has always cooled under pressure. When her husband was arrested, she was upset that she was in perfect control. Her siblings could always look up to her as a source of strength. (Crisostomo, 1986) As a housewife, she never missed a chance with her husband. She stood by the side of her husband and never questioned all his decisions. She never chided him for the troubles he brought into her family. When Ninoy was challenged by Imelda in his prison cell, Cory took his p lace in the campaign. She, who did not have the experience in the political stage, nor entertained much, hope that she would make it. For seven and a half years, she stood outside the gate of his maximum security prison. As the color of her life changed, she followed a few days later, no longer as a housewife but as a widow to lay his body in the grave. The military soldiers took away her husband’s life by shooting him at the back of his head. Before, she was declared as a President, there were lots of consequences she encountered. The chanting done in the computer during the election offered to her just to reject the position and more. Despite of this consequences and offer, she was not dictated by them; instead, she made some moves to fight for what she deserved. (Tica, 2007) As a president, she forced three major tasks: rebuilding democracy, reserving the economy and ending the communists’ insurgencyâ€â€the longest running of its kinds in the world. Her camp and her military advisers suggested that the inauguration be held inside Camp Crame where they would ensure security. But the civilian activists wanted it before the huge crowd of EDSA to dramatize the fact that she was being installed not by military but by People’s Power. For almost 13 years of Marcos service in the government, the communist turned into a formidable force enjoying the distant admiration of the nation. Everybody wanted Marcos government to lose, but nobody wanted communists to win. Cory Aquino was fortunate. Almost everybody wanted her and they did everything just to place Cory in the position. It made the Filipino people admire the power and bravery of Corazon Aquino. She was the first Filipino woman president who proved to the nation that women could also place in the politics of a society. (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2003) The essay is the communication from the individual author, as person to the reader. Like fiction, the essay is read rather than heard or seen and for these reasons, the author will typically identify himself as one addressing the audience. Since the essay is read from the printed page, its content is not objectively present. This is also true of fiction. However, the typical essay is thought off by the reader as a communication from the author to itself. (Tan, 1995) According to Ramos (1991), an essay may be of any length, breadth, death, density, color, savor, odor, appearance, volume or uselessness. It is broadened on one side by the hell fire sermon and or the other by geometrical demonstration; and it ranges easily between these extremes of heat and occasionally steals from both of them. The main division into which the essay may be divided, is the personal/ familiar essay a transcript of a personal reaction to some phase or fact of life; the author does not regard life with the cold eyes of the scientific thinker. The second is formal essay a serious and personal. It undertakes to discuss a subject critically and coldly; and though it also reveals the author’s tastes and views, the intimacy between writers and readers hardly exists, for the personality of the former is suppressed. (Roseburg, 1969)
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Tourism: Vital To The Caribbean Region
Tourism: Vital To The Caribbean Region The impact of tourism on the physical environment has both negatively and positively affected the natural resources of Caribbean countries. Over the years more people are engaging in eco-tourism which forces the people of a county to preserve its wild life, flora and fauna, which are seen as tourism assets. When fees are charge to visit the preserved tourism assets of a country it assists to generate funds to aid in maintenance and protection of the tourism assets. Therefore tourist interest in ecotourism can be sustained for the country. Negatively, the tourists can have a destructive effect on a countrys ecological system. The Caribbean has coral reefs which are infamous for containing rare species of animal life. By tourist engaging in the water activities such as diving and snorkelling, they are directly affecting the endangered species which will seek to migrate when there habitat is being invaded. The endangered species may also die. In addition engaging in water sports will ca use physical damage to the coral reef which will destroy it. Economically tourism has significantly played a major role in the development of many Caribbean countries. Due to tourism, of jobs have an abundance been created in the Caribbean directly and indirectly. According to (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2012) In 2011 Travel and Tourism accounted for 614,000 jobs in the Caribbean directly from the Travel and tourism industry, this figure is expected to increase by 1.7% in 2012. The creation of jobs provides an income and the multiplier effect comes into play whereas those persons who are directly employed to the tourism industry will eventually spend their income for it to circulate in the countrys economy until it is leaked. The leakage concept states that money generated by one country is lost to another. Leakage occurs in Caribbean tourism in many forms, one of which includes chain hotels owned by foreign investors sending back profits to their home countries so the majority of the income does not remain in the Caribbean. Caribbean c ounties heavily depend on tourism for economic viability; this can be change within a day with natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes which can destroy roads, airports, hotels, because tourism is the main source of income for some Caribbean countries this would leave them helpless. Tourism encourages the public and private sectors of a country to build and improve tourism infrastructures (roads, hotels, airports etc.), leisure amenities (gyms, clubs, etc.). By doing this the local people benefits since they are able to use it for themselves even though it was intend for the tourist. Tourism inspires the local people to preserve their traditional customs, festivals, and cuisines since tourists are interested in culture. The culture of the Caribbean are often times sold by the local community members especially areas where the tourist resorts are found. This helps the community members to generate an income for themselves and their families, from which the government can increase tax revenues for the country. Though community tourist benefits the locals there are still negative impacts associated with community tourism. This includes, invasion of privacy by foreigners, drugs can be brought into the community or sold to tourist there which shows the country in a n egative light. The morals and values of local people can be lost through adaption of the foreigners culture. The relationship of tourism to the economy of Caribbean countries can be described as developing. The Caribbean is seen as the most tourism dependent region in the world, with the tourism sector contributing to 36% of the GDP (Caribbean Region: Tourism, n.d.). There are over 900,000 persons directly and indirectly employed to tourism industry according to the (Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), 2002). This figure contributes significantly to the growth of the GDP since employment will help to increase the standard of living for individuals. With tourism industry thriving for Caribbean countries others sectors that are linked to the tourism industry can benefit from the productivity such as the agriculture sector. There are however some challenges that the Caribbean tourism sector is facing. The tourism sectors of the Caribbean need to be more competitive in order to stay on top since more countries are turning to tourism as a feasible option to boosts their economy. Tourism is a c apital intensive activity which Caribbean countries rely heavily on, therefore it is essential to consider these keys variable of tourism as it relates to the Caribbean economies: the impact on GDP, Inter-sectoral impacts, balance of payments, Investment, Government revenue. Referances Rita kennedy no date
Rural Cinema Marketing Management Report
Rural Cinema Marketing Management Report This report is based on an organisational scenario which addresses and offer solution to the task. As a Marketing Consultant who works for Cine-Marketing Limited I have provided some observations and suggestions to the current situation on this report which requires knowledge, research and investigation the market for the Plaza cinema. The Plaza is the cinema which located in rural area of Elderwood in UK. Barry Champion is the current owner of the cinema. Before Barry purchase the cinema was owned with someone else. When Barry Champion purchase that cinema it was in bad condition so as the Market Consultant decided to advice Barry Champion to use possible target marketing in terms of advance his Future Plaza cinema. Plaza Cinema Business In order for any business to be successful, one to needs very much to invest or put a lot of effort in marketing. Through Marketing, one can understand the market of his/her business so that business can run smooth due to good sales. So, any good marketing plan will lead to a good business. For Barry Champion to be successful in his business, he needs to set very strategic marketing implication. Implications are ideas or suggestions that Barry needs to his Cinema business to be successful. The following represents the marketing implications Barry Champion should consider in opening and developing his newly acquired cinema business. Target Marketing Barry should stay alert to trends which might impact his business market. For instance the environment of parking area was sucking, so he should be carefully with such trends which might cause some effects to his business. Also Barry should collect details about their competitors. Once manages to do these will help him on his new business successful. Perhaps it will help him to know what their competitors luck so that for him can increase the services. Barry should read the market research on what their consumer wants. And which groups suppose to deal with, the one s who are working or children. Product Development Quite often businesses in this particular industry want to develop a brand personality. Here Barry should create a difference services or product which will match with this cinema business, it can be a restaurant. So that before customer starts to watch movie they can go and buy some few drinks, instead of coming with their own foods from home. Moreover offer a cheaper entrance fees. Due to small amount of entrance it will attract more customers coming and watch the movie. Barry should also update his services. He must improvement the services like enlarge parking area and other minor innovation which will establish the product. Introduce new things every time and also he can change the theatre to look more attractive. Increase of the patrons seats and renovate the foyer. PLACE Here Barry champion can renovate his cinema product. He can renovate the cinema hall the building the parking areas. Also to create the auditoriums in good way and arranging of the chairs. SALES PROMOTION Barry should use this method to promote his new business, because for any activity undertaken by an organization to promote an increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or service may include an advertising campaign, a free-sample campaign, offering free gifts or trading stamps. There are two basic promotion strategies which Barry Champion should consider in a new cinema, PUSH and PULL Strategies. The PUSH STRATEGY Barry can apply this method to maximize the use of all available channels of distribution to for his business. This generally require tightfisted discounts to achieve the objective of giving the channels incentive to promote the offering, thus can reduce his needs for advertising. The PULL STRATEGY Support the purchase frequently requires direct interface with the end user of the offering. So Barry once use of these channels of distribution is minimizing during the first stages of promotion and a major commitment to advertising is required. The plaza cinema adverts will definitely increase. Methods of sales promotion There are many customer sales promotional techniques available for a new cinema promoted. Price discount Evaluate his fee structure; Barry can look on different cinema the way payment is done. He also introduce credit card to attract more customers who do like to carry money. Barry must also lookout against the possible negative outcome of discounting on a brands reputation. Coupons For cinema, coupons are another very flexible way of offering a discount in a new Plaza cinema. The key purpose with a coupon is to maximize the downfall rate of tickets; this is the proportion of customers actually using the coupon. Use of coupon promotions is, therefore, often best for new products or perhaps to encourage sales of obtainable products that are slowing down. ADVERTISING Perhaps Here Barry champion need to do some research on which the advertisement he will based on product or service. Thus, an advertising plan for one product Services might be very different than that for another product or services. Clearly in this new business we can use different ways of advertising in order to create awareness within the society. Barry can do his advertisement during the peak seasons. This is the best time to capture more customers. He can also promote his business jointly with other professional. So that he Bringing a product (or service) to the attention of potential and current customers Barry can use the media. The commercial breaks are shown in breaks of about two minutes which occur in roughly minutes or more. So we can use this break effectively to advertise the new cinema. Here we can reach different type of people. Newspaper and magazine, can also be advertise especially for elders. Most of them are the one who interested in reading newspaper and magazine. Barry can create a Posters or magazine for more attraction. Use this method because the cinema is in rural so it will be much better to advertise more the cinema in those posters. This poster is designed to be posted in some public area for the purpose of eye catching and also to pass the information. He can use magazine to attract older customer. Because this customer preferred reading magazine. Billboards provide support and also attraction towards the customer. Barry should put some billboards more in different place especially towns, because there so many activities in that place. Hence will help to advertise the new cinemas in Elderwood, it is much easier to use such tool as new movies are out every now and then. Can also put some movies which will be shown in cinema. MEDIA RELATION Plaza cinema should be advanced in media relation like radios, television, and magazine. Barry updates his media list often so that once press releases are sent to the right media and outlets. He can also write a column in local business paper so that can create awareness toward consumer Also he can create an annual award and publicity it. This will help him to capture more customers, because everyone wants to be the winner. Moreover Barry Champion can create his own talk show so that he appears on Television different time. Here can create own TVs program then show it to local cable stations. PRICING Barry should consider the pricing strategy. A pricing strategy is mostly influenced by your requirement for net income and your objectives for long term market control. There are two basic strategies which Barry should consider in his new plaza cinema. SKIMMING PRICING Plaza cinema is new business in a new environment so this strategy will probably work. Barry can start with high prices high, as a new cinema can use this approach. Perhaps, people are not aware of the cinema business in this environment. So its easy to attract more people. He can also introduce some new movies like Avatar; this will attract customers more attend without considering the price. PRICING PENETRATION Barry can apply this for his cinema Business. It is most often used businesses wishing to enter a new market or build on a relatively small market share here Barry can set the prices very low. For a new Elder wood cinema this strategy is very suitable. The strategy works on the expectation that customers will switch to the new brand because of the lower price. TASK 2 Purchasing Behavior some purchasing situations are characterized by low involvement but significant brand difference. Consumer often has ability of brand switching; the consumer will try to look on different cinema and try to compare the Quality of place, the offering price and coupons. Before he or she make a decision to purchase. Decision making unit is a group of employees, family members, consumers or members of any type of organization responsible for finalizing their major decisions, usually involving a purchase. So once Barry understands this Decision making unit it will be easy for him to gather and obtain the information concerning his cinema business. Barry needs to able to deeply analyze the decision making process of his current customers and those who used to attend his newly acquired business and improve it to his best ability so that he can be consistent with it. Its good for Barry champion to understand this Decision making Unit involved in the purchase. In a generic sense, there are typically six roles within any buying center that will affect purchasing decision making for customers in a positive way. They are:- INITIATORS: is the person who first suggested or request of the idea to purchase the particular product or services. INFLUENCERS: Are the people who influence buying decision. They often help define design and also provide information or they try to affect the outcome decision with their opinions. DECIDERS: the people who decide on product requirement or on suppliers. BUYERS: are the people who have formal authority to select the supplier and arrange the purchase terms. END USER: those who will use the product or services being purchased. Decision Making Process is the procedure by which consumers collect and analyze information and make choices among alternatives goods, services, people, places and ideas. THE DIAGRAM EXPLAINING THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS The Making decision processes consist of five basic stages: problem awareness, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post purchase evolution. The model implies that consumer pass through all stages in every purchase. However, in more routine purchases, consumers often skip or reverse some of the stages. The buying process starts with needs recognition. At this stage, the buyer recognizes a problem or need. For instance buyer needs to watch movie, he or she first needs to know what kind of movie he/she want to watch. So he or she needs to observe the type of the movie she or he wants to watch. Then after a consumer decides a shortage desire is worth consideration, information is gathered. Information search requires listing alternatives that will solves the problem. If the need is strong and there is a product or service that meets the need close to hand, then a purchase decision is likely to be made there and then. If not, then the process of information search begins. A customer can obtain information from several sources: Personal sources, family, friends, and neighbors here a word of mouth is necessary. Clearly he/she goes to ask about the plaza cinema and what type of movie she wants to watch. Public: mass media like magazine, radio, television, consumer organization if is available and so forth. Most of the time consumer receive information from public source but in this case is quite different consumer get information from personal source. The usefulness and influence of these sources of information will vary by product and by customer. Research suggests that customers value and respect personal sources more than commercial sources or the word of mouth. The challenge for the marketing team is to identify which information sources are most influential in their target markets. Evaluation stage: one alternative from the choices. This is easy when one alternative is clearly superior to the others. The consumer decides to go to plaza cinema thats it. But he or she will come across all characteristics of a plaza cinema services, and start to evaluate it with good quality, and low price which plaza cinema has all the quality. Often the stage is not that simple, and consumer must be carefully in evaluation of alternatives before making a decision. The consumer must consider some features before he or she make decision. Such features are quality of the cinema, price, safety here will look on the security of the plaza cinema and the status of the place. Another stage is Purchase; here the customer is ready for the purchasing. Payment is paid either cash or credit. The consumer will make payment once he or she satisfied with the cinema. In this case of cinema plaza Low involvement purchases is more considered. This case the consumer does not need to look for more information about the cinema as if he or she going to buy a house. The only thing she/he needs is to go buying ticket and watch movie. This process has very simple evaluation. Purchase evaluation The final stage after making a purchase, the consumer frequently is involved with the post-purchase evaluation of the decision. It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision which lead to another purchase. In this cinema after the consumer attend the cinema plaza once he or she and satisfied usually the result is to join a member club of plaza cinema. Importance of Barry Champion to understand Decision Making Process and Decision Making Unit It helps him in considering the whole buying process; once Barry Champion understand all the stage of decision making unit and process it will be easy for him to make decision once he needs to buy the technique equipment of his cinema. No mistakes would appear because he already knows all the stages of making decision. It will help to understand the relative influence for each patron in decision making process, and able to create features that are preferred by these participants. Moreover he will be able to create advertisement strategy headed for his customers. Once the customers are aware of the Cinema it will be easy for them to attend. It will help him in making strategies of his new Plaza cinema. That means Barry will be able to understand what his patrons really want in his cinema, so that he can provide to them. It will help him in making decision in possible consequences. When such an analysis is done well, it can provide important insights and understanding. So this clearly shows that once Barry Champion undergoes this decision making process well even his business will develop. Barry Champion by understanding these decision processes it will help him to exctract information such patrons behavior or consumer influences for example (subculture, culture and Social roles class. Furthermore it will help him to be able to take out data on the emotional process that affect purchaser behavior or his potential patrons such as stimulus, perception and so forth. Ways which Barry champion should consider in obtain information Focus Group Here Barry can take a group of 8 to 30 people based on the demographic and meet in arranged room. He brought them together to discuss on the areas which Barry need to search. This way of gather information it cost some little amount to pay the participants who attend the meeting. He can also obtain information through talking with people. It can be used to collect information that is not openly obtainable. Barry might include meetings with patrons and suppliers. This information often has doubtful strength because it is highly personal and might not be delegate of the people. Feedback forms, here at the end of the of the show patrons they can feel out the forms concerning the cinema. So by doing so Barry Champion would got the actually report concern the cinema Plaza. Survey, he can see what happening elsewhere, Barry he can also go and visit other cinema so that he can receive the information of the other places how they conduct their business. Also he can use the information by renovate the cinema plaza. For example on how the auditorium and parking area they will be posses. TASK 3 Todays business environment is very competitive, this increase the need for companies to analyze their environment so that to be competitive and survive. SWOT Analysis provides a model for analyzing the competitive attractiveness or profitability of the industry. Gold screen should do this analysis so that to identify its key competition in the cinema Industry in Malaysia. Golden Screen Cinema industry in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia is the main competitor for Plaza cinema in Elderwood. So once Barry identifies who are the competitors for his business. It will be easy for him to deal with the organization. And Barry Champion should consider understand the Competitive Forces. Michael Porter has identified five forces that determine the forces of the competitor in a market. The following are the forces of competitive. STRENGTH One of the best strength of Gold Screen Cinema is the technique to catch the attention of patron to use credit card is when they started to apply a credit card. Other than this is the given reduction of those customers who purchase more tickets him or she can get a discount which is Plaza cinema do not have this strategy. In addition, it has got a Strong brand name company whereby the competitors are afraid of the services provided inside the industry. A new innovated product or services become a good strength to the organization as Golden Screen Cinema; it has all the quality the customer wants. Also a good location Golden Screen Cinema business leads to force of the company. Possibly when the cinema is far away from the patron, no customer would like to go because usually patron do not like to travel for long time just for watching moving.. But when the location is good and easy for every customer to reach on time is a key success for the business. Good reputation among customers leads to strength of the business. Once the customer spread the words about good services provided in the Golden Screen Cinema. Many populaces would like to be there the cinema and watch the movie which is strength of the business and also will bring more profits to this Golden Screen cinema. For Example Tuesday rates special WEAKNESSES: The absence of acertain strength can be a weakness. For example The Golden Screen Cinema main weakness is lack of market expertise will bring the market down and for the Plaza cinema the Auditorium is in bad condition so it needs to be decorated; also the seats were too few Location of the business, Golden Screen cinema must consider this weakness. Other people are unlikely to travel a long distance just for watching movie. So the good location leads to consumers to attend the cinema frequently. Plaza cinema environment is in a bad condition, there are no enough parking areas also any toilets. Hence plaza cinema patrons are only likely to pay a premium price for a movie when blockbuster movies are released. A lack of hit movies could make it difficult to sell tickets. OPPORTUNITIES Quickly adapt of new technologies like latest digital visual and audio equipment which increase entertainment and customer are free to buy tickets online, this will increase the revenue of the Golden Screen cinema Cinema worker must charge multiskilled and stretchy employees like young and informal workers who settled to work daily, twelve-monthly and work order. Loosing of regulations, once rules and regulation are not tight easy to make profit for the cinema. And the Malaysian rules are quiet well. So this is the good opportunity for Golden Screen cinema. THREATS It is too parked during Wednesday and Thursday in Golden Screen cinemas like a marketplace, it is very hard to buy a ticket if you arrive at the place late. In Plaza cinema the technical equipment of plaza cinema has been regularly repaired. Price it is rouse expensive especially on Thursday, because they know on Saturday a lot of people prefer going to cinema. Hence, can leads people to move to the other cinema near them. Perhaps the price strategy with competitor must be different but o rouse the price. Once the competitor has a new innovative product or services this leads to customer to prefer to go to the other cinema rather than attend to Golden Screen cinema. TASK 4 MARKET PLAN Executive Summary Barry Champion has recently negotiations have been undertaken to purchase the rural cinema, the Plaza in Elderwood. Barry Champion Bought the cinema from the private person, the cinema failed to make a profit for the past five years. It has been having trouble competing since Golden Screen cinema .The purpose of this business plan is to seek support of introduce new business and transform it into a modern cinema. This transformation will involve the renovation of one of the screens, decoration in a classy, movie theme style and parking area. Plaza cinema will give customers the opportunity to watch blockbuster movies from the comfort of luxurious, reclining lounge chairs while enjoying food and drinks brought directly to them Business Summary The business objectives are to develop one of the current cinemas which have capacity for 350 seats and with the both downstairs stalls area and gallery upstairs. Once the necessary renovations have been completed, the owners will need to obtain the necessary licensing permissions, hire staff and market the concept. Current Situation and Background At present The Plaza cinema is a small cinema industry maximum with two parts downstairs and gallery and patrons numbers has been down. The cinema has had a relatively steady customer base, but the recent opening of plaza cinema meant that patron numbers have been down. Even before the opening of the new Plaza cinema, the cinema had already been suffering a recession for the past of five years. These have included a pre- semi derelict property, education college. While these issues have affected the cinema in a negative way, these are also the issues on which the prospective owners believe they can take advantage of. Future Industry Developments The increase in other entertainment options, for instance computer games, pubs, enlarge cinemas restaurant. And also to make sure the parking areas are renovated in good way, buildings of toilets and However, the stabilization of the market at the top end does not as yet seem to have filtered down to the smaller cinemas and as such, many continue having trouble turning a profit. It is the owners belief that the current market is ideal for the development of a new concept which gives movie patrons an entirely unique cinema experience. COMPETITION Plaza cinema is forming his own market although there are few companies that do make cinema business also. After Plaza cinema suffering from making the profit in his own environment, now this Gold Screen cinema become direct competitor by introduce the same product offering. SWOT Analysis WEAKNES The main weaknesses of the Plaza cinema are, the car parking has been discouraged and the technical of the plaza cinema had been up-to-date severally times and also the projector and sound system has been installed one year ago. They allowed childrens to bring their sweets from home into auditorium. THREAT There is possibility of customer to desert the plaza cinema and look for a modern cinema. OPPORTUNITY Barry Champion is very experienced man in this cinema industry so can use his knowledge to drive his plaza cinema and against Golden screen class as his competitors. Market Analysis The possible ways in which the market cinema can be defined are: cinema complex, cinemas all ways of watching films including cinemas, DVDs and pay-television; and all ways of using discretionary spend including films, going to pubs, clubs or other ways of spending time and money in or out of the home. As explained above, it is the prospective landlord view that cinemas can no longer focus on the narrow definition of the market. Some guidance can be taken from the Golden Screen cinemas which offer patrons an experience. Often these cinemas are attached to shopping centers and as such going to the cinema is simply part of a persons shopping day. Golden Screen, like the shopping centers to which they are appended, rely on the principle that if something is large and loud, no one will dare to think that it is anything but the best and it must be said that they do this well. Teenagers are particularly impressed by this logic. Market Segmentation Cinema consumers generally fall within the 15-24 year age group with over 54% of people surveyed in this age group having attended the cinema most of the free time and they like to watch movies like Ice age, Madagascar, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Avatar. These decline in the 25-34 year old age group to 35% and normally the movie they like to watch are Jack the Giant killer, Julie and Julia, Twilight, Death in the Funeral, and further within the 40-45 age group to 14%. They go to cinema once in awhile. These facts imitate, maybe the fact that older cinema patrons who do not enjoy the nature of Gold Screen cinema have limited options with respect to indulging in a cinema experience. Furthermore, along with work and family commitments, older cinema customers have less free time available to them and more options with respect to how to spend that time. Market Research The purpose of the market research undertaken was to determine whether the Plaza cinema concept has been successful elsewhere, to estimate whether or not Elderwood is the best location for a cinema and to establish a price point for plaza cinema tickets, food and drinks. The marketplace research permitted the potential owners to establish that, the two parts concept has proven successful. While it was not achievable to obtain fiscal records, the potential owners were able to decide that the concept has been around for several years and they were able to test it for themselves. Marketing mix Plaza cinema marketing mix is compromised of the following approaches Advertising and Promotion The advertising would be highly targeted to local and outside. It is assumed that, people are unlikely to travel a long way to attend a cinema especially if they have a local one close by. As such, the goal is to advertise on local customers and to ensure that they remained regulars. So Barry should consider using advertisement like posters, Billboards, magazine and radio and TVs commercial break. Also can use promotion strategies like coupons, all these will promote the cinema plaza in a grand way. Pricing strategy Recently in plaza cinema the tickets were so cheap. So for Barry to penetrate the new market can uses the pricing strategies like are skimming and penetration pricing. He can start with Penetration pricing strategy because he wants to capture the market, so he can use low price foe entrance. Additional after the establishment of the Plaza cinema now can use the skimming pricing penetration, here can decide to rouse the price because the industry will be already renovated. Also will spotlight on arranging the ticket, at the cinema plaza is currently $4 during the day and  £6 in the evening for an adult. So he can introduce $5 for day movies and $8 for weekend movies. GOALS OF PLAZA CINEMA Prioritize the task of designing the Plaza cinema, into two auditoriums and in a modern way and work effectively. In this design the cinemas it will consist of an increase of patrons seats and make the cinema more luxurious. Building the foyer and maintain the parking areas in good environment. Also Barry can build the shops, instead of patrons carry their food they can buy the drinks and foods in the cinema place. To make sure the quality of the cinema is good. The quality of the plaza cinema need to be more maintained so that increases the profit of the company. Increase the profit of the Plaza cinema. Here to make sure that the advertisement and promotion are conducting effectively so that to pull those people to attend more the plaza cinema. And by doing, so it will increase the profit of the company. Focus on team work. Plaza cinema need to increase the employees so that they work hard and in a team. When his employees are more focus on the job to done this will help Barry Champion to reach his goals in easier way.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Antigone Son :: essays research papers
In one of the three plays of Sophocles, â€Å"The Antigone†we come across a character who is trying to change the mind of a king who is his own father. In the middle of the play the character Haemon comes and tells Creon, â€Å" I beg you, do not be unchangeable: Do not believe that you alone can be right. The man who thinks that, The man who maintains that only he has the power to reason correctly, the gifts to speak, the soul – a man like that, when you know him, turns out empty. It is not reason never to yield to reason!†Haemon tells his father this because he realizes that Creon is not going to change his mind on executing Antigone. Haemon realizes that the approach his father has taken towards this situation was wrong and that he is also wrong with his final decision. Antigone is the women who Haemon is suppose to marry and she is sent to die by Creon because she broke the rules that Creon set. The rule of the state that Antigone broke was that she gave he r brother Polynices a proper burial knowing that Creon declared him as an enemy of the state and did not deserve the burial. Antigone had a right to bury her brother and she did do the right thing by going against Creon’s rules. Not everyone in this play including Creon did not realize what the life of Antigone was like as she was growing up. Knowing that your father was also your own brother must have brought plenty of pain in her life. Throughout the entire play the audience knows what the life of Antigone was like and know all the pain she has had in her life. Most of her family has already past away and all the family she had left were her two brothers and her sister. Once she realizes that her two brothers are also gone she wants to give them both the proper burial that they deserve because they to experienced the same amount of pain that Anitgone faced in the course of her life. Antigone probably wanted to give both her brothers a proper burial because she never got to give her mother or her father one. Her dad went into exile after finding out that he killed his own father and interacted in s exual intercourse with his own mother.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Thirty Years War Essay -- History, War
The section of documents, numbering nineteen to twenty three, consist of many different accounts ranging from of a portion of the â€Å"Swedish rule of war†, a theologian’s take on peace, the assassination of General Wallenstein, an account of battle and even a Cardinal’s warning. These documents vary in years from 1632-1634, drawing a close to the middle segment of the Thirty Years War. These articles illustrate not only events such as a General’s murder, Swedish defeat or French apprehension, they also show a growing desire for peace and political well-being contrasted with serious religious sentiment. At this stage in history Sweden is now involved with many allying to protect German liberties. The balance of power in Europe, always a delicate manner, was naturally threatened by the war, kingdoms such as France watched closely to protect their own states. It is through the coupling of this time of history with the documents listed here that one ca n see an intricate web of motives, including ones from political success and dominance to religious purity, all under the blanket of a â€Å"religious war†. This leads the audience to ask and judge where Europeans’s opinion and ideas stand considering the war as the unique solution to war loomed ahead. To investigate these different motives three out of the five mentioned documents will be closely analyzed, beginning with document twenty. Entitled â€Å"Memorandum of Hoe von Hoenegg†this article was written in Dresden, Germany by Lutheran Theologian Matthias Hoe von Hoenegg. It is his answer to the Elector of Saxony’s question on the religious consequences of peace. Just before this, the Heilbronn League formed, coming under Sweden and France to fight against imperialist forces. Yet, Sa... ... only one question: how, how would France take these next steps for their national interests. Richelieu ends his letter with this heed, â€Å"but that if, in order to remedy the present evil, one fails to make an extraordinary expenditure now, it will be necessary to make one in the futureâ€â€through it would then not produce any result, nor prevent our ruin†(152). French involvement is for the protection of the nation, and it would seem this sentiment alone. The above documents seem to be the opinions and views of particular people throughout this tumultuous time. They show two motives: religious and political. What remains is to decipher if this theme is of value and if so, what value does it have and what can it tell historians about the war, as well as the approaching treaty that would come to rule European ideas on religion and government for decades to come.
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